

Who's There (Imagining Or Hallucinating)
Wait What! how?? Well this was really bad for me because all that light coming from northeast was from a old house. It was literally looking like it can collapse at any moment. I was afraid to go in first but I saw that clown singing at the corridor of that house come come to home daddy is waiting for you my son you're the only one daddy loves on this world. Shut up! How do you know my dad? After asking this question that clown ran in the house I ran behind him. He lead me to a mirror where I saw myself dressing up like that clown. Yes It was me from the beginning It was Me who attacked myself it was all a lie. It was my house because of that clown my dad died. Hahahahahahahaha. I took up the knife and made some cuts on my body and left the forest.
© Manishi Anand