

A wise man (Short story)
Once there lived a man and a son. His son was a boy of fifteen.Both of them use to work at the rich man's mansion. Everyday after their work his son use to complain about his life to his father. One fine day his son said to his father'Dad! I'm going to town and will start living on my own". His father feeling miserable and sorry for him because he's just a boy of fifteen. He than took his son in their courtyard where he had planted a Mango tree. He than told his son"Son! you've seen me planted this mango trees 4 month ago, but haven't you noticed why I use to pluck all the buds ? His son replied"No! I haven't". His father than told him "My son, it's because that blooming too early can put unnecessary stress on the tree, causing a long term damage to the tree". His son bewilderedly asked"But dad why are you telling this to me?" . His father calmly replied"My son, you see I use to pluck all the buds on that tree because I want it to be fully-grown tree with fulls of fruits on it. My son their is a lesson to learn from this. God created human beings and everyone is blessed with different gifts. We don't need to rush for anything, we don't need to rush to live a life like the others. you know everyone those who're rushing to live a life like the others will become like those trees that blooms too early causing a long term damaged and unnecessary stress, it'll never becomes fully-grown like them. Do not rush!". and than they went back inside and live happily ever after.
(To those who believe that life is short and we need to rush in everythings, here is my little advice: Our goal shouldn't be only getting rich, but to find happiness and live every seconds of our life happily. Life isn't short and death is common. Human in a state of flourishing can attained true happiness as well as inner peace. Do not fast forward into something that you're not ready for. Do not rush! it'll be when it's meant to be).
© Sarsinot