

The Era of Damnation ( Part 2 ) #3
Part 2
Chapter 3

The Alberdor duo was flying through the skies thanks to the newborn powers of Gamur, this one with Sarvia on his arms, Sarvia was thinking about this whole situation, making multiple questions to herself, " why Gamur? ", " Why would this thing want to destroy the Elders? ", " and how did this whole clone thing work in the first place? ", as well as other ones.

The Alberdor duo passed by allot of kaiju Ancients, as they roamed around nature, free to live as they please, they were the Apex on this world, and it would take a long time before any other species woul dare to take their place.

After a long jorney, they finally arrived at the Alberdor base, the cavern, where almost all of the Alberdor population lived in armony and socially.

" We arrived. " - He says warning Sarvia, as Sarvia now looks at him suprised.

" How did you find it?? Is your brain a sort of map? " - She says joking about it, bit actually curious.

" Well, no, I can actually feel the energy coming from every living thing and object, thankfully, the Alberdors have a very unique type of energy, so I can easily locate them. " - He says as he starts to fly down with her close to the entrance of the cavern, when they land, the two guards that protected the entrance get suprised and raise their spears, but lower them when seeing Sarvia.

" It's okay! He's not an enemy! It's Gamur! " - She said excited and worried hoping they would recognize him.

The guard on the left was called Brian, and the one on the right was called Toriko.

Brian quickly flinches when looking at Gamur, and with Toriko, they quickly put down their weapons quickly opening the doors of the caverns entrace.

Sarvia smiles and Gamur sighs in relief, glad that they were able to recognize him, both calmly enter on the cavern, quickly entering the main room, as this happens, they quickly notice most of the Alberdors staring at them, Gamur quicky gets nervous, chuckling nervously with the stares given to him.

As they reach half way of the room, the doors at the end of the room, these ones that lead to the tribes Leader room, open.
And coming from this ones, the big alberdor itself, the leader of the tribe, Akumo.

Akumo walks towards Gamur and Sarvia at a steady rate, staring at Gamur with a curious expression.

" fuck.. " - Whispered Sarvia when seeing that Akumo left his room, wich is extremely rare, and when he does, it normally means trouble.

Gamur slowly kneels before Akumo, now putting his right arm close to his chest, a way of showing of respect.

" Akumo Sir, I have Returned from a.. weird ocasion, do you require a explanation?.. " - Said Gamur as Akumo stops right in front of him, looking at Gamur Kneeling.

"... Come to my room in 30 minutes. I want that.. " explanation ". " - Said Akumo now walking away back to the Leader's room, as the doors close behind him.

" .. welp.. that could have gone worse. " - Sarvia says in relief, Gamur now getting up, while everyone was still staring at him, some with different expressions than others.

End of Chapter 3

I'm sorry if this one was short and not that interesting, I have been very busy, I promise that the next chapter will be better ^-^
thanks for all the support, stay tunned and have fun reading!