

The Tale of Destiny (Book 1:- Free souls in an enslaved world)
Den logged off Torr,he had gotten what he wanted to, he had wanted to get the new M4 that had just come into the black market and he had also gotten a magazine of bullets and some weed, he needed a Magnum .357 too but Cody hadn't been able to provide it to him, Den checked his phone, Ella had texted saying,"Hey, babe did you make the blueprint, everyone's getting anxious." Den replied, "I am getting started honey, had to cancel the drone attack plan since it was way too costly, have you bought the kevlar suits?"
He opened the fridge door and took out the solitary can of Red Bull, and took a large gulp, it wasn't easy to plan an ambush, least of all planning the escape as well, but Governor William Adams will be giving a speech in the Michigan Conference Hall and there could not be a better chance to assassinate that asshole. Den thought, if father hears this, he'd probably die of shame, his father was the tenth richest man in America,Damian White. His mom Michelle White was a school teacher and a culinary chef.

Why did Denezius take up arms, against anyone then? He must have had a pretty secure childhood? Actually he didn't want shithousery ruling anything, he had always remained upright, a fan of Robert E Lee, he had naturally become a fan of everything related to war.

Even though Den had taken up arms it did not mean that he was devoid of basic human feelings or instincts, he was a novelist and painter, and played defence in soccer, he also loved Ella, their relationship was gonna be four years this fall. He yawned, he was too tired, way too tired to even speak, but he couldn't betray Ella's wish, darn it, he thought, she always so particular about everything, but right now the only thing that he yearned for was his couch.....

Ella joined in on the singing at their local church choir, it was really an amazing feeling to sing carols to the Lord, she thought, but Jesus had always said, if someone slaps one of your cheeks, put the other forward to them so that they might slap it too, but Jesus wouldn't even live a day in this twenty first century, but not if he was using the dark web, she smirked inside her head.

Bisar Hektro put on his cap, which read 'Nerds Rule', he was not worried about the plan he was just concerned whether he'd be MVP, lol he thought, it was all so normal to him, people might call them terrorists but to themselves they were nothing but freedom fighters, fighting for the freedom of speech, but they couldn't afford to get caught, otherwise they'd be jailed for manslaughter.....

To be continued
Note:- I am way too tired to even think of chapter 2 or sumwhat so what I'd request you is to be patient, I'll be there soon.....
© Dhritiman