

Life can take you by surprise sometimes. For me, changes are very often, but something changed... I was silent for a long period of time for no real reason at all. One day super talkative the next about 5 words. All my friends were worried about me, but I gave them a note saying that all was well, but they could tell it wasn't. Soon all my good thoughts turned to bad thoughts. When ever someone laughs I think they are making fun of me. When my parents try to help me I think that they are thinking that I am dumb. Last time I checked it has been three weeks since I had a good dream. Soon it became to where when I attempted to speak, no words came out. I started to think everyone hated me and maybe I could second think about death. Maybe everyone would be happier if I just dissapeared. I never raised my hand in class and that took off a quarter of my grade. Even though I had A's and B's the teachers still told my parents about me being so quiet. My parents said that if I wouldn't start talking then they would send me to the doctor. I hate the doctor. That is a place for sick people, not me. When I tried to speak my mind would take control and nothing would come out. I started being tiretired all the time and as soon as I was done with homework I would go to bed. After two months of not talking my parents took me to the doctor. The doctors said that I had depression. The doctor asked if I had any trauma as a kid or bad memories they said no. And it was true. But what was causing me to have depression? Well, the answer got clarified quickly. They said that my mind was taking control of everything. But, shouldn't that be a good thing? No, it was not. My brain shutdown my body, including my mouth. My parents called the school to tell them what was going on. I arrived the next day to school and in every single class every student including the teachers had made me cards. And at my last hour my teacher said that he knowknows that this is the last class and that I have already already gotten a lot of cards, he wants his cards to be as special as the first cards that I got. After that my friends where always by my side saying nice things and making me laugh. After another month I got out of depression and into my regular self. With the help of friends and family I am as bright as the sun. Always love your friends. It is okay to make new friends, but dont pass over the special ones. You are loved, always and forever.