

Open letter to the one who always put themselves last.
To all those who always put themselves last,
I hope this finds you in the best of your health and spirits.⁣⁣
Okay, I know it is good to help people around us and it feels good to comfort others. It is good to spend hours with people and giving ears to their sorrows. It is good to support people in their hard times. It is good to respect feelings and emotions of the people. But sometimes you feel stressed out while running around and taking care of them.⁣⁣
Have you ever realised, while practising all that where are "you"? What about your own self? Who is going to serve you?⁣⁣
You know what, wait for that day when you have to say No to them for something and you will see your so called well wishers turning into back stabbers. I guess you got my point now.⁣⁣
So why not love ourselves first, put ourselves first because that you will be spending the rest of your life with yourself only. I understand you were misunderstood by the people about putting yourself first. "Putting yourself first" is not about being selfish. It is all about the matter of priorities and understanding between taking care of yourself and others.⁣⁣
Okay, so from now onwards you need to take care of your own self and consider your own needs and wants before this world's. Start choosing your happiness, your well being, your passion first. And believe me, this will help you alleviate stress and anxiety. You will find yourself at peace.