

Just saying Hello….
When I send you a text to see how you’re doing, I’m asking because I really want to know. I genuinely care about you as a person and as a friend. It’s called fellow feeling…..you should stop being so self absorbed and try it sometime.

Just because I say hello doesn’t mean I’m trying to get with you. Just because I take a personal interest in your well being as a friend doesn’t mean I’m wanting more.

If I ask you “how’s your day going?” I’m not asking because I want to date you. When I pay you compliment and say” you look great today”, it’s not a flirtatious gesture. I’m truly just being genuine and mean exactly what I say.

When I tell you that you’re beautiful, it’s because you are and I appreciate the art of your existence.

When I say I’m excited for you and relish in your joy, I’m not trying to win you over with ulterior motives.

I’m not looking for a soulmate but it seems as though you are. I’m not looking for a relationship, I’m quite content with being friends.

I don’t ever get emotionally attached BEYOND friendship. But you can’t seem to grasp the concept of platonic friends.

Unicorn friendships are hard to find. It’s almost as if they no longer exist.

© JustAnotherInkling🎨