

The Wise Monky
Once upon a time in a forest full of monkeys there was a wise old monkey named Gandorf. He was the leader of the village. He had many obstacles to face as the leader of the village. Many of the young monkeys were very disobedient and created many problems for himself and the rest of the village. One of the most problematic monkeys was known as Lizzo; he liked to taunt humans who came into the forest. He would often throw banana peels and rocks at them which the elder Gandorf said was not allowed unless the humans were getting too close to home but regardless of the warnings Lizzo always did what he wanted he always threw big rocks at the humans who passed through the forest even though they were never close to the monkey’s village he always threw rocks and banana peels at them because he had fun doing it. One day Forest rangers came through the forest to do a check on the animals that live there and make sure that everything was normal. All the monkeys were told and warned by Gandorf the village elder to run and stay away from the men in Bright yellow jackets; they were dangerous but Lizzo didn’t listen and didn’t pay attention. When the forest rangers came Lizzo was excited to see them. He gathered the biggest rocks he could find and followed the forest rangers and laid out banana peel traps for them and threw rocks on them everytime they slipped and laughed at them. The forest rangers were here to take a few monkeys back to ship off to a zoo in New York and this is exactly what they were looking for: a wild monkey full of energy. As soon as they saw Lizzo and where he was throwing rocks at him from they started chasing him. Lizzo was panicked no one had ever chased him before he was usually the one chasing people. Lizzo ran and ran swinging from tree to tree rushing back to his village dodging nets that the forest rangers were throwing at him to capture him. Lizzo was leading the forest rangers to the village full of monkeys without knowing. The wise elder Gandorf saw Lizzo in trouble from the top of the highest tree in the forest that was at the center of their village and rushed down to help Lizzo. The elder was old and had gotten slow; he swung right into Lizzo and they were both caught in the same net. The forest rangers took both monkeys and shipped them back to a zoo in New York. Lizzo Knew it was all his fault this only happened because he never listened to his elders and never paid attention.