

His Inconvenience~chapter four

(warning: sexual content)

I decide that I need to shower as I get up for a glass of water.

"You said the shower is I the master bedroom right?" I ask from the kitchen.

"Yes," Zemo answers, continuing to watch the movie on tv.

"Which bedroom is that?" I take a drink.

"The only bedroom."

I choke, coughing up water violently.

Zemo turns to me with genuine concern on his face.

"Are you alright?"

My couching finally goes down a bit.

"There's only one room, and there's only one shower?" I ask between coughs.

"Yes," he gets to his feet and comes to the kitchen, "seriously, are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

I take a few deep breaths.

One room.
Of course there's only one room.

Well jokes on you author, I'll just sleep on the couch.

"I'm gonna go shower," I brush past Zemo and head up the stairs.

I open the door to a large king-sized bed covered with dark purple blankets. I run my fingers along the smooth fabric.
Egyptian cotton.

Why does that make perfect sense?

I head to the bathroom and start the water once I close and lock the door behind me. I strip off my clothes and set my phone on the counter before I test the water with my hand. I step into the tub once it's the right temperature and let out a satisfied sigh as the hot water cascades down my body.

I hum softly to myself as I relax under the spray. Scrubbing at my scalp with the lavender scented shampoo, I groan a bit at the sensation. It feels nice as I massage my own head, lathering the soap into my hair as I do. Once I rinse it all out if my hair, I grab the bar of soap and rub it between my hands, gathering up the suds before I set the soap down and scrub at my body quickly.

I turn the heat up a bit more as I rinse my body, soaking in the heat for a few minutes afterwards.

I turn if the water and grab one of the neatly folded towels from the wooden cubicle on the wall so I can dry off.

Shit I don't have any clothes.

I notice a door across from the door that leads to the bedroom. I wrap my towel around myself and open the door.

It's a closet.
A big one.

I flick on the light switch and step inside.

My nose is immediately filled with the masculine scent of all the clothing. It smells like cedar and mint, and I honestly enjoy it.

I look at the clothing all around me. A few leather coats with fur, a lot of black turtleneck shirts and sweaters, normal black sweaters, denim jeans, black slacks, khaki pants, dress shoes in both black and brown, and a few pairs of Nikes. On a center beam there's larger mirrors set on all four sides, allowing me to see myself as a circle the surprisingly large space.

They must be Zemo's, and given that there are no other clothes I'm going to have to borrow some.

I settle on one of the sweaters, bringing it back to the bathroom so I can at least put my underwear back on. I slip the warm fabric over my head, taking in the smell as I do.

It rests lazily on my midthighs as the button up had done and hangs somewhat off my shoulders, being that it's too big. The sleeves go well passed my hands but I don't mind I like oversized things, they're comfy.

I grab my phone and unlock the door to the bathroom before stepping out. I run my fingers through my hair, pulling at the small knots as my bare feet pad on the wooden floor. I look up and find Zemo standing there shirtless with a pair of black sweatpants handing somewhat lowly at his waist.

He looks back at me, eyes raking up my legs and body slowly before coming to settle on my eyes.

I'd be lying if I said my eyes didn't momentarily get distracted by his toned chest and abdomine.

Oh sweet baby Jesus.
Rail me.

I clear my throat and avert my gaze to the floor quickly, hoping my eyes weren't a dead give away. I can feel my cheeks flush red as his eyes continue to burn through me.

"I do believe that is my sweater, Darling," he finally says, his voice low as I hear the sound of his feet slowly coming towards me.

Warmth pools in my stomach.

Oh for fucks sake.

"I uh- well I don't have any other clothes so...," I trail off, leaving the sentence hanging as I see his feet right in front of me.

"So you took it upon yourself to use mine," he raises my chin with the knuckle of his index finger, making me look at him.

"Well I couldn't exactly walk around half naked," I say,my voice coming out softer than I intended.

"Why not?" He cocks a brow with a slight smirk, "I most certainly wouldn't have complained."

Well there went my ovaries.

Keep it together bitch.

"I'm sure you wouldn't have, Baron," I let the title fall like an insult, "but I'm not a whore."

"I never said you were," he pushes me against the wall, his hand pressing on my throat, "but as I said I would not have complained."

He's not applying enough pressure to cut of my airway, but enough that I can hear my pulse in my ears as my heart pounds.
I scared and aroused at the same time and I'm not sure if I like the flips my lower stomach is doing.

He grins down at me and I know he can feel my racing pulse beneath his fingers.

"Though I must say," his free hand finds my thigh, venturing just beneath the hem of the sweater, "I do enjoy the sight of you in my clothing. It leaves much to the imagination."

Oh so this is one of those stories.

His hand slides up further, thumb grazing the fabric of my underwear that rests on my hip. He pushes his knee between my legs causing a bit of friction against my core and making a whimper leave my lips.

I squeeze my eyes shut and turn my head away in embarrassment as my cheeks flash red again. I can hear a small dark chuckle come from his lips as his grasp becomes tighter on my hip.

He guides my hips to grind against his leg, slowly, over and over again, making small whimpers leave my lips as a knot starts to form in my stomach.

I finally let a moan slip as he raises his knee more and pushes me down harder against his leg. I find myself gripping his forearms as another moan leaves me.

"That's it, Darling," he says huskily in my ear, "enjoy it. Cum for me. Make a mess all over my leg."

I bite my lip to keep from crying out in pleasure as he continues to move my hips against his thigh.

Oh sweet lord.
Maybe I should have just put what I had been wearing back on.

"Fuck," I whimper as the pressure in my stomach continues to build, "I'm gonna-"

"That's right," he nips at my ear lobe, sending a shiver down my spine, "be a good girl and cum for me."

"Fuck," I hold back my orgasm, not wanting him to make me come undone like this.

It begins to hurt as he continues to make the pressure build.

I can't hold it back anymore.

I cum hard, spasming, as I moan loudly.

"Good girl," he praises me as he lowers his knee just a bit, removing some of the friction as he continues to move my hips, riding out my high.

My breathing is sporadic as my head falls back against the wall.

He just-
I just-


Don't question me, I felt like writing something spicy so I did.
Anyway😂 I hope y'all like it so far!!!
Thanks for the reads!!
Love y'all!!


© ~0ptical_Illusion