

Chapter 1
The discovery

Matty: "The day I recall was....." Hala: "please say more Matty." Matty: " Are you done interrupting yet? Because everytime I tell a story or whatever it is you interrupt me like you know in reality you don't." Hala: "Why you capping me? Matty: Because of your interruptions all the time I am not going to tell you." Hala: " fine let it be that way." Hala goes outside of the house and a key of some sort has been found by Hala all by her self. She picks it up from the ground and looks at it. Suddenly she saw a light up ahead when she gotten close to it she saw the light turning blood red. She ran in the opposite direction of the light leading her into a cabin house where the key that unlocks the door. Hala opens the creepy door finding a lot of guns, bullets, and gun shells all over the creepy cabin house. Hala hears some foot steps behind her she looks but their was nothing there so she gets out of the cabin house and closed the door then locked in and went home to Matty. Matty: "Where have you been all night? I've been looking for you and what key you have in your hand" Hala: I was in the woods and found a key that leads and unlocks a creepy cabin house's door full of guns, bullets, and gun shells all over the cabin house. Why? thus I asked and want the truth and nothing but the truth right now." Matty (Sighs) alright you cought me, here's the truth I've been hunting down a monster in the woods. Hala: " what monster are you hunting down Matty." Matty: " you know when you have a nightmare and see a monster like but not real ones? Hala: "Yes." Matty: " Well sorry to break it to you monsters are real. " Hala: "Okay, I believe you." Matty: " Which means that your a monster hunter now just like me but I need to train you right now since I told you the truth." Hala: "Wait, What? " Matty: " your training starts at the light of dawn. No later than that. Now get some rest you have a big day tomorrow."

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