

You Can!
Everyone can and will reach their destination by today, tomorrow and keep on. Before and After you is not a thing
and you don't want to bother about. This is a definite and
determined process, filled with lot of consequences we
supposed to face the obstacles and the circumstances.
This is isn't a mandatory to tackle. But without this we can't be potential. Everyone who choosed their destination
will begin their journey from very basic stage. Their path
might be different from you. But the Difficult faced by
them is same like you have faced. Life shows no partiality
journey composed by the path isn't cruciality. Only we're naming it as luck and etc. People who are in peak today
are not reached their destination so soon. They have faced
the worse than you have faced they have cried than you have. They have lost than you've. Make yourself calm this is regular once you start to believe you. If everyone can do you too can. Victory is just a State to recognise you. But the obstacles what you've faced are the real medals and appreciation is recognition from life.
© போyet'u