

The Sadist.... Part 15
Adrenaline gives me the strength to bring my legs up and kick him as hard as I can in the stomach. He flies backwards and hits the ground in a vicious tuck and roll. He stops moving and remains there. I must have knocked him out. I look up at my hands, they are held up in slip knots. If I get enough upward momentum I can loosen it and slide free. I think of Reeves and Donovan.
The Adrenaline surge is just what I need. I use my numb left hand to reach for the rope. By the grace of God I grab it. The climb upward is so hard. I get my hands loose just as something pops in my left shoulder. I scream and let go. I’m not far off the ground but when I land it’s of course on my left side. My shoulder pops again. I roll to my back and attempt to move my left arm. I sigh happily, the pain I had in the air is gone. Only I could dislocate a limb and pop it back in when I hit the concrete.
Sergio still hasn’t moved. I sit slowly and look around; I have never been here before. Even the structure is foreign to me. This is not a good sign at all. My arms are starting to tingle; I wonder how long he had me up there.
I climb to my feet and my arms hang limply at my sides. I need to get out! I see two doors on the far side of the room. I tiptoe around Sergio and press my ear to the door. I don’t hear anything, no voices. When I try the knob it’s locked; the other door is the same. Fuck! There are trays of tools, work tables and more. I search quickly and thoroughly, coming up empty handed. The keys must be in his pockets. Looking him over, he still hasn’t moved from where he landed. There is no way around it, I need to get into his pockets. The pocket closest to me is flat but the other obviously has something in it. I kneel next to him and keep my eyes on his face. If he so much as flinches I’ll ram his head into the ground. I work my fingers in slowly and scream when he grabs my wrist. Sergio turns and looks at me with so much hatred.
“I’ve been awake the whole time.” I am in such shock I don’t see his hand flying at me face until he makes contact. My whole body flies to the side and I crack my head on the concrete. I keep my eyes closed because everything is spinning. Sergio grabs me by my hair and grags me across the floor. I scream and grab his hand and try to relieve the pressure.
“That Guard did something to you, looks like a brainwashing. Don’t worry, I’ll try and undo it so we can get back to the way it was. We were happy Jo.” He lets go and I land on concrete. It’s wet and there’s a cold breeze coming from above me.
“I’ll let you cool off for a while, this should help.” A high pitched scream erupts from my throat when I’m doused in ice cold water.
“See you soon baby.” A door slams and locks. I curl into a ball to try and keep warm. My vision spins viciously and I throw up. I don’t even have the strength to wipe my mouth, it’s so cold and everything hurts. I’d like to think I stayed awake the whole time but I know it’s not true when the sound of the door unlocking and opening springs me back to consciousness.
I move back as far as I can into a corner, no, no, no. The door opens and a bright light blinds me.
“Well look at you, beautiful as ever. Maybe now you’ll be more compliant. Come here baby.” My whole body is numb. I can’t feel my feet or hands. I wouldn’t go to him even if I could. Sergio enters the room and brushes his knuckles against my cheek.
“Did I leave you to long? Here, let me help you.” Sergio picks me up and carries me back into the main room. Between the air and his body heat he is scorching hot and it feels so good. I mentally slap myself, I’d rather lose limbs then get closer to him. He lays me down on a blanket covered table.
“Here you go babe. They say the best way to fight hypothermia is body heat, a nice slow warming.” Sergio climbs onto the table and forces my legs apart. When his body presses against mine I give a silent cry of joy, he still has his jeans on.
“There, there it’s ok, I’m here.” I lay completely still and let my body warm beneath him. I can’t fight him off if I can’t feel anything. He nuzzles my breasts with his mouth slowly sucking one into his mouth. He moans,
“Your skin feels really good against mine, you’re so cold. I might just keep you like this. If your pussy is this cold wrapped around my dick, your going back in the cooler.” Gun fire fills the air outside of the room. Adrenaline surges and I elbow Sergio in the jaw knocking him off the table onto the floor. I roll off the opposite side and take two steps toward the door and collapse. Nope, I still can’t feel my feet, damnit.
“Stupid bitch! If I can’t have you, no one can.” He sounds close. I turn and see him stalking close to me with a large knife in hand. The door in front of me explodes inward. I cover my head and curl into a ball.
“Check her for injuries and cover her.” Reeves! I’m quickly covered with a blanket and lifted off the ground and placed back onto the table. Hands move over my body under the blanket and I scream fighting them.
“Jo, Jo, look at me, your safe.” I know that voice, I look up and see Lamier above me. I sob in relief and my head spins. I roll to the side of the table and dry heave over and over again. I have nothing left in my stomach to purge. I picked the right side because I see Reeves and Sergio squared off on the opposite side of the room. Sergio still has his knife but Reeves is unarmed. Death is written all over Reeve’s face.
Sergio lunges and Reeves blocks the knife landing a punishing blow to his ribcage. Sergio flies backwards but isn’t so off because he manages to slice Reeves’s rib cage when he comes. Reeves immediately starts gushing blood but he doesn’t seem to notice when he punches Sergio in the jaw knocking his head to the side which makes contact with the wall. Sergio drops the knife. Reeves grabs the blade and stabs Sergio in the side of the neck. He goes down and Reeves jumps on him punching him over and over again with his fists. One of his hands still holds the knife so Sergio is randomly being cut during his beating. Reeves ends his attack by sinking the knife deep into the center of his chest. When Reeves stands he is covered in blood.
“Report!” Even covered in blood he is gorgeous; covered in the blood of my enemy. My pulse picks up at the sight.
“She has a concussion I would assume. Bruising to her face and breasts the worse. Random bruising throughout, at least 2 broken ribs on the right and severe hypothermia. She needs body heat now, strip Reeves.” Reeves looks down at me and looks me in the eye; I lick my lips. He strips quickly using his shirt to wipe most of the blood off of his face. When he gets to the side of the table his eyes leave mine to assess the damage for himself. The longer he looks the angrier he looks. It takes pure will to move my hand and touch him.
“Please.” Reeves jumps up on the table and lays between my thighs. I cling to him like a leech. Nothing could make me let go of him right now. Tears escape my eyes while his arms come around me and hold me close.
“I’m here, shhh, you’re safe, he’s gone.” A blanket is places over Reeves’s back trapping his heat in around me. I don’t know how long we laid there like that, I fell asleep somewhere in the process, safe in the arms of my Captain.

“Jolene McManus, do you take Reeves Tollie to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health to honor and obey until death do you part?” I’m grinning ear to ear,
“I do.” The tribes shaman turns to Reeves,
“Reeves Tollie, do you take Jolene McManus to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health, to honor and obey until death do you part?” He looks be in the eye,
“I do.”
“You my kiss your bride.” Reeves grabs me as a crowd of tribes people hoot and holler throwing flowers and seeds into the air. I wrap my legs around his waist when he lifts me up and we kiss deeply. When he puts me down we each grab a vine the shaman is holding.
“Show the your union is true Nagelee Fashion.” Reeves and I swing off the trees platform on the vines to another platform and then another. The air in my hair is freeing! 6 weeks ago Reeves rescued me from Sergio. I was hospitalized in severe condition though luckily I didn’t lose any fingers or toes from the Hypothermia. Donovan was angry he didn’t get to help avenge me but he’s gotten over it. Lamier and Jia are here at the ceremony. They agreed to watch Donavan while we honeymoon. The Nagelee have been excellent hosts and were honored that I picked there dome for my wedding. They are a humble tribes people who despise technology. It’s relaxing here amongst the trees and dirt.
When Reeves and I reach the last platform we take each others hand and raise them high. The Negalee cheer, though it’s Donovan standing in the front who is the loudest. I’ve seen my son happy but the look on his face is ecstatic. He wants a younger sibling and so far I have been unable to conceive. Doctors told me not to worry about it, that it’s just the stress that was put on my body. I was told to enjoy my new husband and relax, that a child would come soon.
I know Reeves wants nothing more than to ravish me but the Negalee have a feast planned with a huge bonfire and dancing. The thought of it sounds so unreal. I never would have imagined that people did these things. No one here harms others out of spite. The Guard don’t come here often as they are not needed. Reeves pulls me in close and kisses me in front of the crowd. He feels so good against me, especially while wearing his new traditional wedding butt flap. He wasn’t excited about the idea up front but then he discovered how easy it was to pull the flap aside and be deep inside me. He immediately changed his mind. I hold him close really enjoying how much skin my fingers have access too. Behind us we hear the tribes chief Tomaco.
“Light the fires, let the feast begin!”

Hours later night has fallen, the bonfire is still burning bright. Many have indulged in the local tribes alcoholic beverage and have become loose. I will never forget the sight of Lamier dancing around the bonfire like a wild man in a butt flap. Chief Tomaco is on my right, Reeves is on my left.
“Jolene, Reeves, this is my wedding gift to you.” He hands me a small brown bottle. I look it over and hand it to Reeves who does the same.
“It is called Cerulean, it’s a drink of love from my people. It’s only consumed on your wedding night. I won’t send you in blind, it does have a slight hallucinogenic effect but they are mild. Share the bottle and see my people.” I’m not so sure of it but I smile at him.
“Thank you Chief Tomaco, you and your people have been beyond kind.” The loud drum comes to a stop, silence reigns over the crowd. What’s going on? To my left I see Donovan being walked in front of our raised platform along with two tribe boys a few years older than him and Syna the Chiefs daughter. The poor girl was born with a facial deformity. Her eyes are mostly normal but offset to the left. Her nose is smooshed way left and her mouth tried to come back to center. She is noticeably upset, the two tribes boys who look 12 are beat up and Donovan is wearing his emotionless mask but otherwise uninjured. Chief Tomaco stands.
“What’s going on?” Two two tribes warriors push Donovan forward.
“We caught him assaulting these teenagers.” Donovan doesn’t say anything.
“Donavan Tollie I would like to hear your side of what happened. Please, the floor is yours.” My Donavan would never start a fight. Donovan doesn’t look at Chief Tomaco he looks back at Syna who is staring at her feet.
“They were making fun of her, calling her names and making her cry. Then they made fun of the way she looked while she was crying. I told them to leave her alone. They were slurring their words when they told me a little white boy had no place to talk to them. The big ugly one then pushed her down and she skinned her elbow. I showed them why they should listen to a little white boy.” Chief Tomaco’s whole body stiffens.
“Check their breath!” The tribesman walk over to the teenagers and wrench their mouths open.
“They have been indulging Chief.” The chief looks at his daughter.
“Syna…” She looks up at him with watery eyes.
“Yes Sir?” Tomaco’s voice softens as he looks at his baby girl.
“Is what young Donovan says true?” She nods and hides her face while she cries. Oh, the poor thing. Donovan walks over to her and the tribesmen get in his way. Donavan doesn’t skip a beat,
“Move.” Chief Tomaco waves his hand,
“Let him pass.” When my darling son gets to her side he gently pulls her hands away from her face and wipes her tears.
“You are beautiful, do you hear me? Don’t let them make you believe otherwise. They’re jealous because you are better than they are. You’re beautiful inside and out. Do you believe me?” Syna looks him in the eye and nods. Donavan nods as well,
“No more hiding, no more looking at the ground. Got it?” Syna smiles and blushes bright read,
“Got it.” Donavan leans forward and whispers something in Syna’s ear. She beams like a little sun. Donavan then stands beside her and looks back at us. I look at Reeves and I can tell he is as proud as I am.
“Take these young men to their parents. They will punish their appropriately. Young Donovan, offspring of my guests, thank you for what you have done. You will always be welcome here.” Donovan smiles and winks at Syna; she giggles. Oh boy I see this coming back to bite in the future. Donovan is just like his daddy some days. By the look on his little face he is smitten.
“My guests the party is winding down, please let us retire to our homes so that our newly wed couple can move onto more personal matters.” I get up from my chair and walk down to Donavan and Syna who haven’t moved but are still talking.
“I’m proud of you baby.” He makes a face and nods his head in Syna’s direction.
“I am not a baby mom.” I smile and Syna pokes him playfully.
“You’re as cute as one.” Syna is older than Donavan by a few years. Donavan rolls his eyes and sighs,
“Girls.” he quickly winks at her. Lamier and Jia join us. Lamier fluffs Donovan's hair,
“Ready to go squirt?” Syna giggles and Donavan’s fists clench,
“No, I am not ready to go.” Chief Tomaco joins us all now.
“If it’s alright, I will watch over then while they sit by the fire and talk. I’ll make sure he gets back to his room.” I nod. My little Donovan acts more like a twenty year old than a 6 year old.
“Give me a hug and I will let you stay.” He grabs me up in a two arm hug and whispers in my ear.
“Thank you mommy.” Ahh first love, young love. When I let Donovan go Reeves grabs me from behind spinning me and throws me over his shoulder. I squeal out in surprise.
“Be good Donovan, we will see you soon. I am proud of you son.” Reeves is such a caveman. I wave at Donovan while Reeves walks us to our remote cabin high in a Tampyro tree. When we are out of site I smack Reeves on the ass.