

Life In Space- Part 1
Ashley could barely breath as she ran towards the NASA space station, she had run 2 miles without stopping to take a break, or even to drink some water. There was no time for that. As she ran up the stairs she face planted on the concrete, as her nose hit the ground she heard something break. She yelled out in pain as she held her nose tight. But she had to keep moving.
As she made her way down the hallway she heard someone breathing behind her. Then she turned around very quick and punched at the air, it turns out she accidentally punched someone in the face.
"Ouch! Why'd you hit me for?!"
"OMG! Jamie is that you?!"
"Yeah, I tried to call your phone but you didnt answer. Is your nose ok?"
"Yeah, I think my nose is broken but that's fine. We need to head out to loot some stores."
Then Ashley and Jamie ran to the nearest Walmart wich was a mile away. When they got to the front of the walmart...
"Be safe Ash, okay?" Then Jamie leaned in and kissed Ashley on the lips. "I'll be safe, dont worry."
Then Ashley saw as Jamie went across. Then she walked into the store.