

Dating Him Ch.8
Seven days had passed .No news of Him.I sent him messages but he never replied.
Collins visited me everyday and we would have breakfast or dinner at the hotel café.
I was scared to talk to Collins about my worries.I did not know who Him told him I was.

I rapidly grew close to Collins and John the driver.We even went to the beach where John almost drowned because he claimed he knew how to swim.

Today was day eight and yet no news of Him.I started feeling ill .I called Collins and told him I needed to see a Dr.
Few hours later he was there with one who consulted me and prescribed some drugs.
He was very caring and always present.

After the Dr left Collins proposed to stay with me for a while till my fever dropped.I felt reassured.
I dosed off.When I woke up late in the night, I realised Collins was still there Sleeping deeply on the sofa.
I woke up and went to him.

''Hey Collins why are you still here.Ain't you married"?
He woke up dizzily and yawned.

''Married hahaha.You found nothing else better to ask Isn't it"?

I smiled and told him to go home.

He woke up and told me:

"You are very special to Him.I'll go to jail if something happened to you.Do you know John is sleeping in the car just because of you" ?
I was shy and surprised.

"I'm sorry to put you both through all this Collins''.I replied very seriously.

" That's ok.I guess you're feeling better now.Let me leave you rest more."

"Thank you so much for being around." I said very emotional.
I felt like crying.

''Hey do not cry.I'll have to stay whole night if you do."He said laughing loud.

"No thanks." I replied laughing as well.

When Collins left I burst into tears.I missed Him so much.I was a little less worried though because Collins gave me the impression he communicated with Him often.

I fell asleep in my thoughts.
When I woke up by 9 in the morning,I heard noise in the bathroom.Very scared I woke up and rushed to see.
Him was back...
© Abigail Ekangouo