

You were wasting your time on social media. You thought that your life is a mess. Neither you nor your siblings lived a happy life. you knew it. you were aware of it. you wanted peace yet the world changed your mindset. "The world?" you would think... "the world?"
No... it wasn't the world. It was the society. "Emily Hellen, you need to be like this and be like that. Emily, you need to study, Emily you need to be an engineer" your parents would utter. The " perfect" people inspired your family to make you live like them. you never had a hard life, though you were born to the middle class. you always had a good education. you had food and you had money. your parents wanted to make you an engineer thus it took you an hour to solve what is twelve times nine. your mind never wanted to look at numbers. your heart was obsessed with "words". Being a seventeen-year-old teen, made you feel insecure about your life. You are now doing engineering for your Advanced level examination. You are struggling. you know nothing about your future, yet you know that you are pressurised by your parents and teachers. " How can an exam decide my future? How possible is that? How can some bits of paper decide whether I should be an engineer or a failure?" your thoughts are collapsing like thunder inside your mind. Physically you are calm. Neither your parents nor your teachers note the furious war inside your mind. "Maybe I'm depressed" your feelings are echoing like you have been cursed.
On the final day of the exam, you throw your pen away without completing the paper. You know that you ruined the exam and your destiny is now designed. "A failure" your thoughts are bombing furiously inside your mind. "I want peace," you think, yet you only think.
Days and weeks pass. You spend most of your time on social media. You think that you have no purpose yet you love "words". Whenever you feel isolated or depressed you jot down your emotions.

" Oh, thou furious sun,
thou are making a fire in my soul,
Like I'm born to feel the burning flames,
Oh, thou furious rays of fire,
Let me be the hopeful water in the life of thee...
Make me immortal, make me peaceful,
Show me thy path which made thee,
such a powerful matter..."

you always write like that. Though you share your poems with your parents no one can understand the deep reality which lies hidden under the powerful terms.
On the releasing day of your results , you realize that you have failed. "You are a failure" you see your parent's disappointed eyes full of painful tears. You see how your teacher's tears of darkness roll down as they are rolling down towards hell.
You are getting scolded by everyone around you. You are accused by many, saying that now your life is worthless. Then you feel like quitting your life. You go to your room and lock the door. Quitting your life is a sin yet you have no other choice. Social Media influenced you to quit easily so here you go?
You are now holding your breath. you decide that you have no purpose and now you are holding your breath. you feel how your blood is pumping low and your heart is urging for breath. You feel death yet you are alive, now you are dying... then, Suddenly you see a bright light focusing on you. you knew for sure that there is no one else except you in your room. Suddenly you see someone in white, with long blonde hair, you cannot exactly see her face but it's full of compassion. As soon as she holds your hand you realize that you are not in your room anymore.
You look around and you see a dark, mysterious forest full of weeping willow trees. you look around for her, but she is not there anymore. you shout "Hey, is there anyone here?" You get no reply. You are in the middle of a small straight footpath. On your right, you see an uncountable number of weeping willow trees and on your left, you see the same mirroring of the right. you have no idea where you are. The feeling of burning which you had earlier starts disappearing from your mind. You walk forward on the footpath. when you are walking step by step you realise how wonderful the sight is. you see how birds are chirping and how willow trees are standing still. you hear no noise. Everything is silent. Dead - silent. The environment pours peace into your mind as a psychiatrist does to his patient. You look around. The sky is cloudy and you are heading on the straight footpath. It is very misty. You feel no fear until you hear someone crying. A voice of a young lady... you look around. you see no human being. without walking on the footpath you walk into the woods and search for who is crying. you walk along but you see no one. instead, you see that some drops of water are pouring down from a young weeping willow tree. you go near it and touch it. You just whisper" I don't know where I am and what I am doing here, but please don't cry. I'm alone and I'm embraced by fear butI do not want you to feel grief." suddenly the weeping willow tree spreads its branches. When you look around you see that not only that but all the trees are speeding their branches. you realize that you cannot call them the weeping willows now because you feel like their souls are smiling. You go deep into the woods. Then you find a lake with blue water. Your heart starts to beat faster and your eyes start blinking fast with the sudden amusement. You see how a dozen of small fairies with wings are playing and flying all around the lake. When you look around you see how the birds are talking and the fish are smiling. you walk to the fairies with shock. one of them comes to you and you are amazed. One by one every fairy comes to you. You feel a bit terrified. Then, a fairy with a white dress which is completely made of flowers and wearing a tiara made of ivy and light pink mini roses, bows to you and whispers " You saved our lives today. We were trapped in this horrific world of dark. This forest was full of magical spells which did much harm to all of us. we were imprisoned by the cruelty in the world. Our hearts were stolen by dark death and we never thought of living. you arrived here and saved us." You think to your self "Am I dead? Am I drunk or am I losing my senses"
Then you ask her, "How did I save you? I did nothing?" Her soul full of gratitude replies, " Your kind words. Everything here has feelings. The weeping willow you saved was cursed by the dark energy of the earth. Whenever humans on the earth do acts of sin and use words full of curses it affects our world. all the dark energies are being released to the universe. ours is closest to the earth and we are always affected by dark energies. It gives us pain and suffering. you came here and comforted the weeping willow tree. Your kind words echoed all around the world and rescued us. " you start feeling overwhelmed with your act of kindness. Then you whisper to yourself," I wish I could spread more kindness on the earth...".
You did not know what was happening, but soon as your wish was over you started to float and the last thing you see in the mysterious woods are the innocent smiles of the fairies.
You open your eyes and you are in your room, still holding your breath. You want to live. You little by little release your breath and finally, you start feeling well. You don't know what happens to you in the minute before you almost died. You realize you remember each and everything which happened in the mysterious wood. you think that it might be an illusion yet it felt more realistic.
You stand up. Not everyone are born to be engineers . Everyone has a purpose in their lives. You get a book full of blank papers and finally start to nourish it with kindness.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

200 years pass. A girl with a bright yellow frock is reading a book under a weeping willow tree. She is smiling and enjoying every word of the poem book which she is reading. She reads out loud,

" Weeping willow, weeping willow,
Do you feel like a hopeless widow,
Don't weep my darling Because
Kindness would give you a cause
to smile and find the best things
that make you feel like you own wings,
To change the world into a better place,
and make all feel the best in all the ways."

Her mind enriches with kindness and she feels her mind is full of peace. She then reads how the greatest poet, "Emily Hellen" has created an uncountable number of poems of kindness and played her role as an inspirational character in the society.

© @Paro