


Sitting on my bed with my tv facing me, a strange appearance of the only way to describe what this thing was, is a glowing orb. It either came in through the open window, or through the window or wall. Not sure.

It was summer time when this happened. This was just prior to the time when there were multiple ufo sightings the following year. It was even around that same time, towards end of summer. I didnt know that we were going to have so many ufo sightings that following year, or I might not have been compelled to simply compile this strange event into my long term memory folder inside my head along with the many other bizarre events I had encountered in the past. Why try to grab up just another weirdo thing with hopes that this time it would make a difference, or could make any kind of positive impact with anyone.

As i was watching a movie on tv, or whatever sitcom that usually held my interest at night, I was sharpening one of my machetes, which I always kept in my bedroom for protection, when I observed a different kind of thing that just happened to appear right underneath the tv before me. I lived in a house on the east side of town, where it had a high rate oof crimes This area of town had been, said to have been one of the areas in the state to have nearly the highest amount of bad guys residing in. In fact, my ex girlfriend's daughter discovered a dead body in a trash can just a half a block from my house, around the time my girl and me had our first breakup. Of course, we are back together today, cause I suppose I might just have some kind of disorder, so let's just say that we were on a break. She also told me that a guy that that had come into my house, and that I had been introduced to, had murdered his aunt and uncle just two days after he had been inside my house.

The nephew wanted money, but was denied, so killed the uncle by ball peen hammering his eyes into the brain. Same thing with the aunt. The aunt lasted long enough at the hospital in a coma for the nephew to get a long term stay at the nearby nut house. If it was my choice, he would have received two back to back life sentences without any possibility of parol. My memory of the guy is only knowing that I didnt like him, or trust him, he talked too fast, was demanding to a point, and I wjust wanted nothing more to do with the guy.

My last place of residence just before living at my brother's house for one year with which was just prior to this place was even way more full of insanity created by chaos based on many individuals associated with all who I allowed to reside there. 15 people is now number I allowed there at its height in population once. So the moral of this, is not to help anybody. Waddya think? The cops had been called numerous times to my place, but not one time, had anything ever been any thing that I had ever done wrong for the many visits 0
from the local police department to be called upon that home. I was simply asking for trouble, lma thinkin, I dont get it. I guess that maybe no good deed goes unpunished, huh? I dont know.

There I was, with a machete on my lap and a sharpening stone beside me on the bed just going to town, working on trying to get the thing to where it would become sharp enough to cut a slice of paper without using any force, along with not using the total weight of the blade, when right in front of me, just under the bottom of the tv, and hovering in mid air, an orange, reddish round orb suddenly appeared. My first thoughts were, "What is this!, and what should I do with it?"

It measured only about two inches in diameter or so, and I didnt notice any kind of hostility with it. Even so, I was wielding a rather formidable weapon upon my lap, so I felt more comforted from having that blade with me, than not.

I picked the machete up with both hands, and slowly began to move it forward towards the bottom of the tv. I made sure of moving it really slow, with no sudden or quick movements so as to not possibly scare it away. I moved the blade forward with the flat of the blade to at about the height distance of around three or four inches from under the orb, then held it steady.

I think about this from time to time, of how my hands should have been shaking involuntarily, but didnt shake one bit while experiencing that moment. It was more than likely because I had seen alot more things in my life far more scarier than a mere seemingly harmless two inches of a glowing ball of light for me to have been slightly worried.
Also, I used to think alot about this, and of another situation so bizarre and strange as to maybe just possibly related to these orbs. It was when two finishing nails that weren't simply just nails came into my life once, and had a definite impact on my life for quite awhile. In fact, as I relive those times, my emotions are revived and playing havoc with me just now. Them nails were alive, and had powers of not only not simply being inanimate objects, but beings, maybe even having the power to shapeshift, but were, with what I believe them to be of extraterrestrial in origin. Or I'm insane and imagined the whole thing

To continue on, I was caught between thoughts of what I should do next, and should I do nothing and just pull the machete backing it away from the orb. This indecision quickly ended by being aware of that big wide bladed knife in my hands that was I still held, and why should I worry? its it's a big knife. So while still holding the machete under the orb, I dropped all thoughts, and began lifting upwards with the blade, causing the orb to ascend with the knife rising simultaneously.

Without a sound, the orb split into five smaller orbs hovering horizontally between the bottom of the tv and knife blade. It startled me enough to where I had inadvertantly lifted up the machete with a quick enough movement, causing their quick response to fly out the window. It was so fast, I barely saw it happen.

I had never had such an experience, such as this, and haven't since. Needless to say, that was their exiting point to the end of this story of the orbs, or could this maybe have been just the beginning?