

Keepers of the forrest
Chapter 1. Who we are

My name is Att Pê-ûn. it means "good Heart" in my native language. but most people call me Atty. I am 18 years old. I live in a magical village called Too-êdge-mae katz-shoo-mi. which means"A long way Forgotten". my village is hidden deep in the Uintah-Lasalle Mountains. Nobody knows of our existence. Even if you tried to find our village you would never be able to. Our village is hidden by Ancient Magic passed down from generation to generation, since the beginning of creation. My people are called Wê-noonse Shin-âb. which means "Ancient Indian wolves." We are a long forgotten tribe. We are the keepers of the forrest. The protectors of all creatures in our land. We are the holders of life. We are the bringers of death. We are a magical people. We are an inseparable pack. Yes, I said pack. We are shape shifters. Outsiders might refer to Us as Werewolves.

Chapter 2. The truth about werewolves

The truth is, Werewolves aren't anything like what you've seen in the movies or on T.V. We are a peaceful people. We use our powers for the good of the forrest and all creatures that live here. In fact in order to shape shift into Wolf form, we have to have good intentions in our heart. Otherwise the magic does'nt work. This is how it has always been, and how it always will be. Men are granted our abilities on the full moon following our 18th birthday I am anxiously waiting for the next full moon. only the purest of heart can shapeshift into a wolf. There are many in our Tribe that cannot change. That doesn't make them bad people. Women are chosen as keepers of magic on the eve of their 17th birthday and will spend the next year in training with their mother or their next closest female relative who holds the sacred magic. Only one is chosen that can change into a wolf and be a keeper of magic. That man is our Chief. His name is Tom-sù-êne Que-o-gând. which means Ten Bears in English. Most people just call him Tom. He is my father. His father was chief, and his father before him and so on. I hope to be Chief one day. Only the Chief can grant his posistion to another member of the tribe. Usually it falls on the first born Son. However if the son does not change after the first full moon following his 18th birthday. Then the Chief must pick another Man coming of age who does change, to take his posistion after he is gone. Whoever is next in line will spend the rest of the chiefs days with him, training to become Chief . It is an enormous responsibility to over see not only your people, but also every living thing in the forrest. To keep things in balance so that all who live here, live in harmony with eachother. Even the plants and the trees, all the way on down to the smallest insect. Our biggest enemy is the greed of man. If a wolf ever attacks another human being, it is for good reason. We must protect our traditions, our values, our way of life and most importantly our home and all of its inhabitants.

Chapter 3. The Magic

The Women in our village are held in the highest regard. We males know and understand life would not be possible without them. Not only are they the creators of life, They are the keepers of Magic. Each one of them get unique powers based on what is in their hearts.
some will get the power to heal others.
some get the power of illusion. Some get the power to change the seasons. Some have the power to speak to the creatures in the forrest. And some can move even the biggest of objects with their minds. Most of them have several magical abilities. But there is only one woman who Can harness and use all of the magic and more. Her name is Toome Moo-re, or Winter Spirit. But most people call her Tammy. She is the "Medicine Woman" of our tribe. She is also one of the only members of the tribe who has lived in the outside world. She went to college to become a doctor then moved back home to the village and Married my Father. Which, if you haven't guessed already, makes her my Mother. One female is chosen to become Medicine Woman on the day of her 18th birthday, after spending a year learning to harness her magic. The Girl with the strongest magic is chosen to spend the rest of her days with the Medicine Woman to learn to someday be Medicine Woman herself. That girl just happens to be my girlfriend. Her name is Quê-â-pâr Miâh, which means Blind See. But we just call her Mia. She was born blind. But somehow learned to see with her minds eye. She has been harnessing magic since she was born. This has never happened in our village as far as anyone knows. Mom says her magic is more powerful than anyone has ever seen. even more powerful than her own. Mia and I have loved eachother since the first day of Kindergarten. Her mother is one of the other tribe members that has lived in the outside world. Her name is Soos-pe-ah wich means one heart but we just call her Sue. She went to college to become a School Teacher with a PHD in chemistry, world history, geography, science and Mathematics. She is fluent in six other languages besides our own. Most of the tribe uses and speaks English these days because it is faster. But we learn our language first. Mia's mother never got her magical abilities. The Elders say she was blessed with the magic of retaining knowledge. She literally retains everything she has read. She is the smartest woman the tribe has ever known. She married and divorced Mia's Dad in the outside world. Mia is only half native, her father is from an Irish bloodline. He was abusive to her mother and beat her nearly to death when Mia was in her stomach. The Elders believe this is most likely why she was born blind. The elders rushed to the city when they got word of what happened to Mia's mom and brought her back to the village. No one has heard from Mia's father since that time.

Chapter 4. Life in the Village

Although I live amongst a magical people. My life has been pretty normal. at least from what I've seen on the television. Our village is more like a small town. We have a school, just like anywhere else. We have vehicles and paved roads and a gas station.
We have a library and even a big park at the center of town. We have a grocery store and several smaller specialty stores. Like the "Natures Medicine" store owned by my parents. hĥAlso, contrary to what you might think, we do not live in tipi's like our ancestors. Most of us live in log cabins, spread throughout the forest. We are a tight nit community. Our houses are far apart from each other but we are all pretty close. We are all "one big family" as my father says. Most families in town grow a garden. At home, We grow corn, cucumbers, zuchinni squash, tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower, brocolli, lettuce, strawberries, apples, cantelope, watermelon and peas. As well as several herbs and roots we use to make medicines. We dont use dollars here in the village. My father says dollars are not worth anything and turn men into monsters. Our village operates on a barter system. Although it is necessary for the tribe to generate funds to pay for the things we need from the outside world. Our tribe recently became very wealthy. we used to run a roadside trading post where we would sell native jewelry, authentic peace pipes, semi precious stones and every other thing you can find in a trading post. However Mia's mom being the smart woman that she is, took all of the money the Tribe had saved in a rainy day fund, (which was a little over $1,200.00) and invested it on bitcoin when it was around fifty cents per share. and sold it all when it hit $34,000.00 per share which made the tribe a little over eighty million dollars. This money will sustain the Tribe for many years to come. When anyone in the village is in need of something from the outside world that requires the white man's paper, they just fill out a request form and place it in the box that is located right in front of the entrance to Tipi Square.

Chapter 5. Tipi Square

Tipi Square is a large park in the center of town. In the middle of the park there is a giant Tipi. It is so big that all four hundred and eighty seven members of the Tribe can fit comfortably around the enormous Bonfire inside located in the center of the Tipi. This is a sacred place for Us. It is where the tribal council gets together to make all of the decisions for our people. It is also where our Pow Wow's take place as well as many other important events.
© James L. Babcock Jr.