

Thoughts of the Imperfect Humane
All through our lives, we are struggling to fit in,
In these vast seas and lands,
We walk and run as if always in a hurry,
But what's the use when we forget the main purpose?

And it is to live;
Not to struggle but to break free from everything.
This is what we all need.
Freedom of conforming from all the worldly desires.

Material possessions made us a prisoner. And we never knew it until it hit us right in the face.
What's the use?
Of holding on to temporary things?
And delve into the short term happiness?
After then?
Where are we?
Yeah right,
This is where depression, anxiety, worries and fears comes in.
And we all dive into the bottomless pit of it
Until it eat us whole and kill our souls.

And I am one of those souls who were eaten alive.
But despite of falling and being drowned, I tend to live.
I will seek my purpose;
Break the chains of being slaved by the temporary desires.
Because there are two main reasons that helps me hold on..
It is hope and faith..

© melai2023
#poetrycommunity #story #WritcoQuote #poem #Love&love #hope