

women patience
Next day when she go to college .She is looking for that girl who give her that letter .Suddenly she saw another girl who have a letter in her hand .The girl came near to her and give her the letter, she immediately asked her that who give you this letter .She replied that the girl moon .moon is the student of 3rdyear in medical college .She Wonder that why she send her this kind of letters and why she herself not giving her this letter .Then she was finding moon in the whole department .But unfortunately she didn't find her .when she came to the hostel and open that letter she saw that there was a lot of poetry in this letter again she was finding the name of that person without reading that poetry.At the last there is a name (Alam).She was confused that who is Alam..Then she decided that she will asked from moon that who is alam and why he send to her this kind of letters ..After that she go to sleep ..Next day In her department she found moon .she go near to her ......
To be continued......