

Reflection of the mirror part 6
•part 6 is here!!!

Lilacy, shocked and confused..

"what do you mean your me..? you must got me for the wrong person.."

the girl smiled and stepped closer to Lilacy and as she went closer..she almost looked like Lilacy

"no, it can't be...this isn't real..this must be a dream..why does she look like me? how did she find me? are the rumors really true now?"

so many questions storming into Lilacy's mind that she didn't notice that the girl had disappeared

"what..where did she go..?-"

then the girl covered her mouth causing her not to breathe and then Lilacy had blacked out.

"ugh..where am I..?"

said Lilacy confused

"oh your awake, second me.."

the girl said

"who are you!? why would you do this to me!?"

said Lilacy scared and angry

"is that a really question? dont I look familiar to you?"

said the girl smilingly

"no...it can't be...but in the is situation...you must be my double right?.."

Said Lilacy


said the girl

"there's been rumors but I didn't think it was true till now..you have to let me go!!!"

said Lilacy angrily

"why should I? dont I deserve to see the sunlight too? I'm tired of copying you and doing the things you do...I can't do what I want to do.."


Said Lilacy angrily and confused

"you don't understand...us doubles are like..shadows of you so it means whatever you do, we will do it too...your friends... up there in the room..are my fellow doubles..."

the girl explained

"so...my real friends... are dead..?"

said Lilacy nervously

"of course they are..we can't both exist.. there's only one room for one Lilacy..and that would be from now on..."

said the fake Lilacy while smiling

"NO WAY!! I intend to enjoy my life being with the people I love most!! and I never planned on giving that life to someone else!!!!"

said Lilacy angrily

"its not fair..I spent half of your life..our life following you...but now its your turn to go down there and while I enjoy life as you did..its that simple really"

said the fake Lilacy


"and that one Lilacy is me.."

said the fake Lilacy while smiling at the real Lilacy

"STILL!! NO!!"

said Lilacy angrily

"ugh...I guess we were never bound to get along...I was hoping we could be good friends but I guess its never going to happen...oh well..be a goodie two shoes and stay here...its time for the other Lilacy to enjoy the sun~"

then the fake Lilacy locked the door and went out


Lilacy's tears started to pour down

"what do I do..? no ones here to help me...I need to escape from here before she takes over my life completely!!!the worst situation that could happen is if everyone believes her that I'm the fake one...I can't let this happen!!!!"

to be continued...

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