

Mystery or Horror. pt:1
once there lived a boy in a castle his name was Sam. He always believes in magic and power. Because he wanted to escape from the reality. He always wanted to do some crazy things like travelling to moon, Doing some magic like harry potter , flying like superman , travelling to the last of universe etc . Alot fantasies on his mind to escape the reality. He sometime go for a longwalk to explore something but alas! he never found anything. that's how he's growing up but he wasnt so worriable about his future because he is a son a king who will the next king of that kingdom . But he wanted to do something special .He day by day passing time without doing nothing just see the sky and thinking about fantasies and telling himself when fantasies will exist in the damn world. Right on that moment something coming from the sky that was so shine like a shoting star and suddenly he understand that shoting star will be crashed in his kingdom. so decided to go there and explore that weird thing. Reaching there he find a shine,unique and powerful stone. He then decided to take it at his first touch he really felt so weird and at the second time he took that stone on his hand and he felt so powerful and energetic. he decided to take that stone in the castle. Sam kept that stone on his room and before he went to sleep he always read books of histories. while he was taking the book suddenly he saw something at the stone that thing was like a switch . he touched that switch and he saw that his full room turned into light and that light was forming the history of that stone. Sam discovered that stone has come from the other planet and there he saw the world of mystery and fantasy. So he decided to go that planet he was so excited because he was always waited for this time and at last he was perfectly ready to go there but there was one problem that was he didn't knew that how he will go there then he started to research to go on that planet and after 13 days found something on that stone and touching that switch he teleported from earth to that mystery planet. He was telling himself that " it is mind blowing.Wow ,yes , oh my god , I cant believe it. thats mean all that time I was right . and he scream so loudly that he was right ". He then started to exploxe that planet but there was no lives without him all the castles was empty and he started to scream and started to say '' hello ! anybody in here. hello !! But nobody gave him answer. Then suddenly he saw something that was damn horrible he hide himself from that evil. Sam was very scared and so confused that what is these all about he was asking himself again and again .Then he understand that he should get out of this place but there was no way to get out because that stone was disappeared at the time when he reached in this planet. So he started to find a place to take shelter . But he saw that there wasnt only a evil there was trillions or evil searching for someone. Before he died for this fear someone came in front of him he get too much scared to see someone like him.The man took him to a safe place.And gave him something to eat but sam was too scared to get food. sam was so confused and he asked that man " what the things in outside". The man told him that those are dark evils . Sam again asked him are they part of this planet ? the man answered No. Sam asked him again then why are those things out there are they are some kind of security of this planet? The man shouted at him loudly and told him No No No ! And added that those evil things out there killed millions of people of this planet and will also kill us. Sam told no please i dont wanna die I wanna go home . and started to asking himself oh god why i'm in here? the man replied that the stone choose you . Sam replied of his speech what stone choose me but why ? he also said that i'm not a superhero I cant do anything I will die in here . the man told him that the stone choose you thats mean you have something to save us and this planet and added that you bare the only one who can save this planet. sam was too wondered and told that man No I have nothing to save this planet from those deathly things.The man told him again if you dont save this planet you cant go home and you will die in here . Sam started to crying and telling hinself that no god why me ? after few minutes Sam asked that man that when it will morning ? the man told him that there is no from since 9 years. sam was so wondered and telling hinself oh my god ,I dont wanna live in this crazy shit planet im going home . The man stoped him and told dont ever make this mistake and added that just relax and have some time and also told him I know its too weird in here but its true . How ever i'm nick. Sam replied that well iam Sam. nick started to ask him well sam how old are you . san told him iam 24 and the same question was asked by sam to nick .nick answered him that he is 29 years old . so they somehow started getting friendly to each other. after 3 hours they started to talk about the matter of dark evils .Nick started to explain everything one by one. there are alor of obstacles to defeat those evil.

( part:2 is coming soon )
