

The Hello Man Chapter 6: The End Is Here
There was no more sightings of The Hello Man untill the 13th of August 2025 when a family of 7 moved into the mansion. That night at 10 o clock in a bedroom where a teenager was living there was a whispering voice who whispered, "Hello". The Hello Man appeared in that room with a scythe who looked burned in his hand. The Hello Man's eyes became redder by the second and he cut of the teenager's head clean off. The blood splattered out of the body. In the room next door was the same whispering voice who whispered, "Hello". The kid woke up, because his cellphone began to vibrate. All the sudden two red eyes appeared in front of his bed. Just when he wanted to scream, he sank into the bed and blood shot out of the bed and it hit the roof. In the room just underneath was that same whisper. The Hello Man appeared in that room just next to the bed with a knife in his hand. He sliced the kid's throat with the knife. He vanished into the darkness. In the master bedroom, where the parents slept was a whispering voice who whispered, "Hello". A few moments later a book fell of the book shelf just next to the bed. Both parents woke up and saw that two more books started to move by themselves in the shelf. The books stopped moving and fell on the floor. A water glass broke by it self of the shelf. All the sudden The Hello Man appeared in the room with red glowing eyes, a bow in his right hand and arrows on his back. He shot both parents on their foreheads with arrows. The Hello Man appeared in the room next door where a 19 year old Teenager slept. There was a whisper voice in his room who whispered, "Hello". The Hello Man had a knife in his hand. When The Hello Man stepped one foot forward the wooden floor cracked. The teenager woke up and saw The Hello Man. He screamed in terror while his throat was cut. The last child of the family came into the room to see what happened. He saw The Hello Man and ran to his parents' room to go tell them that the Boogeyman was in their home. When he arrived at his parents' room he saw that they were dead. He screamed. He looked behind and saw The Hello Man at the door. The child jumped through a window and landed in their swimming pool. He climbed outside the pool and began to run through the streets. He ran to his friend, Jeff's house. He knocked on the door hard. Jeff's father, Brain opened the door and asked the child who he was and why he was there so late. The child said that his name was Steve and that his parents were killed by the Boogeyman. Brain asked Steve where he lived and Steve explained where. Brain opened his eyes wide. He knew the hole history of that masnsion. He said to Steve a little shocked that it was definitely not the Boogie Man who killed his parents, but the Devil him self. Brain told Steve that he was a priest at the church. He called a few numbers on his cellphone and like a hour later 3 nuns, 2 nons and 5 other priests arrived at the house. Brain told Steve that the Devil killed his younger brother, who was alsi priest, a few months ago and that his body was never found. Brain then told Steve that he should stay at the house. Brain and the gang of nuns, nons and priests walked to the mansion with bags. When they arrived at the mansion, they went in. They saw all the dead bodies and blood in the mansion. They walked in the basement and stood together in a circle. In the middle of them Brain draw a white circle with holy water around it. They all said together, "One and ony powerful God, please summon the Demon in this mansion to us, Amen!"
All the sudden The Hello Man appeared in the circle. The Hello Man tried to escape the circle but he couldn't. The Hello Man screamed. All the sudden a earth quake came. It started to rain strong and the thunderstorms became extremely strong. The nuns threw holy water on The Hello Man. The nons threw some oil on The Hello Man and one priest threw a piece of paper which was on fire on The Hello Man. The Hello Man started to burn. The fire turned from orange to white. Brain started to read from his bible. The Hello Man screamed louder than ever before. One of the nun's head exploded. Then a priest's head exploded as well. The ground under them started to crack. The remaining priests showed a brown cross at The Hello Man's derection, except for Brain, because he was still reading out of his Bible.. Brain closed his Bible, closed his eyes and then prayed, "Holy father please take this demon away from this world and send him to the place where he belongs, Amen!" All the sudden the white fire exploded. The explotion didn't to any damage, well except for The Hello Man who exploded in many pieces. Brain walked to The Hello Man's head and said, "Like you once said to my brother, Say Hello to SATAN for me in hell you pussy!" Brain walked out of the mansion with the rest of the gang. They threw whiskey bottles on fire at the mansion. They watched it burn. The kitchen exploded. Then they threw bottles with holy water in at the burning mansion. The fire at the mansion turned white. They heard a loud fainting scream in the mansion. The Hello Man was now dead once again.
The Hello Man appeared in a desert. It was raining blood. There was many legendary creaters at the desert. He saw a explosion coming to his derection. He closed his eyes and then opened them again. He stood just in front of a hill. On the hill was a golden throne. On it sat SATAN. SATAN asked The Hello Man why he betrayed him. The Hello Man stood quietly. SATAN showed his sword to The Hello Man's derection and a red soul came out of The Hello Man and into the sword. SATAN said to The Hello Man that he now was a normal mortal who will burn for all eternity. The Hello Man screamed of the pain.
He was finally punished for all those souls he has taken away.

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