

Chapter34: Kuwar Sa! My Love.
We sat under a small hut made of bamboo sticks...
"Sag... Why are you quiet talk something yar..."
"Hmmm... Swath.... You are my everything..."
"Shut up... That's why you go invisible..."
"Hey yar.." He hooked his index finger into my bangle and said,"I'm sorry for all... I had to concentrate on my studies and you know how much I get disturb by talks and interference".
"Okok... Talk about Chennai... When you went ...etc etc."
I took my hand from his hooked finger... I got up to move my bag little bit far to sit on my folding legs and my back on the walls of the hut.
He looked at me...while saying...
"I went two weeks back... I called you, before I boarded a train for Chennai. But you didn't want to meet."
"Ok..na how many time you want me to feel guilty..."
"Hahaha aha what about me then... Do you have any idea how harsh you were... "
"Ok...Mahan ... I'm sorry. "
"Hmmm me too". He touched my hair sliding to my shoulder and said.
"So... Chennai... IIT Vellore. It's a university. It's beautiful... Areey... You know here people are so educated...even with vendors on roadside you feel like talking with a professor... I'm happy being there".
Common people mostly rooted with culture right.... He smiled with glowing eyes.
Here you hardly see anyone doing nothing.... They get up early...life start early here... I feel I'm so proud of this country yar..."
He laid on my lap... Erassing his breath...waving his thoughts a break...

My eyes got emotional...I felt a boat came back to his shore!

I Love you Sagen.
He looked at my eyes...and said... Not as much as I love you!
I pinched on his ear.
He giggled like a baby get tickling.
"So... So...What I was saying... " he looked with thinking eyes.
"Our nation you proud... "I uttered...
"Yes.... In south they value education... I feel free to go with mind talks...science..., and I free to ask my landlord if he had some books... He give so much of idea and recommend to refer books...He is an retired engineer from Electrical department. His wife is a music teacher, she cook so well..yar... she told me to call her Amma... I feel so good...remember that day when I was I'll, she cooked something soup... I forgot name what she said... Waooo it was mind blowing I never had that before... Her morning prayers just wakes my mind...I miss you even more...."
"Why missing me..."
Haahaaa... In love with a southy girl automatically falls in love with South! I admire Amma how she cooks and serve food to her husband it makes me visualise our future when you will prepare Sambar... Plz, learn to prepare that soup as well...and all south food for me...." He touched my hair end fallen over his chest.

I felt a sensation in my heart...

"So... You are happy right..."
"Yes...just miss you lot. Next month we boys had planed for an outing..."
Of course you should go...
Yup... Will tell you everything, what ever I see... Send you pics on mail.(No what's app entered in our life).
I miss you Swath ... I missed you so much that I don't want to waste time in missing you!" his eyes was filled emotion.

I was quiet my heart felt love for him.

So you like, Chennai more than this city and state? I asked.

"Hahahah what a cynical question. I only love you... I enjoy city with it's own charm. Here you get food even after 2 late night... There everything in morning. Here you mix up with many state... There I think whole south you can see together. The culture, simplicity... Amazing ...
In 2weeks I liked the place. I miss you more when I see temples, people with that vibuti on head... I feel like I will love you more.... " he giggled...
What if you were in Kerala then... I asked him circling my fingers on his head and over his hair.
Probably pulled you too in Kerala then! We giggled.
He continued...
"People have craze of cenima... Hey we never went to theatre. Let's go.. "
He turned his chest on my lap and looked up...
"No... Shut up and talk here. I don't want to waste time in watching movies"
"Kya yar... "
"All that cinema you do with your boys." I said.
"Heheeee that's also correct". He pinch my stomach while laying again on my lap.
"Hey Sagen... No more sex yar". I got hitckii.
"Qqqqqqqqq... he made his lips almost touching my nipple.
"Shut up ,Sagen... You have no idea what all I heard from my sister... On top of that, you will be the only man who will publish about sex life. Who told you to tell all that, to that nut?" I exclaimed over Sagen.
"Hell with your sister..."
Shut up Sag... I hit softly on his cheek.
"Fool you are Swath... Can't you understand her manipulation... He said holding my hand over his chest. He continues ...
"She is ok for Alok... If you had sex with him she would be supporting that because you will be her puppet for life time. You live your choice so see her mind... she says she had her boyfriend, since school time and now going to marry him... She never gave a fly kiss... I'm not fool to believe like you did! " he cleared his throat to continue..."Secondly, let me tell you this...I was so furious, when she said...you are inviting men with open legs...and her another dialogue, paisa he sab hai, paisa nahi... And all...judgement that you have no right to live on earth...who is she to think all that, who is she to tell when people should do sex and not.... Ufff... I sware Swath... If I ever see her I will rip her skull..." he released his anger with deep breath. He continued...,"I understand her concern... But dominate you over your feelings that is devilish.
By her dialogue I m clear that you are not safe at your own family..."
"What... "I was clueless.
He released air through nose and lips, perhaps pressure of his head...

"Nothing... You will understand people when time come... She is full of greed I understood it... When time will come, you will see them...now you will not get even if I explain. "
I was clueless. I kept looking at him.
He blinked eyes then said," Because Swath... You are pure... Two goody words for you, you will rip heart and give them. I'm not like you... I go by mind and intentions of people not by words. "
I was blank. I looked at him as he is my another Dad.

"Swath... Did you tell her about me? "
"No. I said I met you, and loved just in two months and you left to somewhere." I didn't felt I should trust her so.

"Stupid... You should have told her about my real identity.... Then see how this greedy mind will help us. I was silent.

Sagen I'm sorry... I uttered.
It's ok... Look Swath, he said,"I get irritated by fake and hypocrite people. I just can't tolerate them.
I too have a sister Swath...even though she lives in Z code security I have care for her.
I question her... she question me lot... I tell her about world things ... But I never neglects her freedom and her choice. I respect her. I make her choose her own. I never allow her to depend on others mind. That's her life.
Your sister just want you to do as per her wish. Can't she see that you are in love and not with some nuts walking around the street.
She shouted at first ok...thats quite natural..but she judged you labeled you... Ufff sucks me yar...
Swath I swear on the name of my Palace... If she again manipulate or hurt your feeling, with her hypocritical, greedy mind,.. I will cut her from my Sword!"

I looked in his eyes.... His impulsive and love mixed eyes!

"Sword?" ... I murmured like a kid who want to hear more.
"Yes...Sword...my history lover"...he kissed my palm and held right over his chest and continued...,"My ancestral Sword is given to next Maharana. Right now it's on my fathers name.
We Rajput men have sword engraved by their name as they are born... On Sword ceremony, we vow to our sword to protect people. During Dhashera we have a huge celebration at the Palace. ."
Waoo... I kept my eyes grooved on him.
"Even the Maharani has sword. She is vowed to protect herself and dignity."
I smiled as a history student I like these talks.

Sagen.... My sister...
Shut up yar... Plz don't bring her topic and irritate me.
"You can't see people behind there words. I can smell them from far. Just shut up Swath... "
Ok ok...
Don't bring her topic. I won't let my Swath to get manipulated by her words. I hate all this fake ones. You are alone of not having people at home, I'm alone because I have seen fake people a lot since childhood! Samji... "He pulled me little and kissed my under chin.

I was blank...
I saw him closing his eyes... I kept rubbing his head and hair. I saw his stomach go up and down... I saw his eyes deeply closed. I felt soft texture of his shirt. His thin lines of forehead. His skin get radiant as light fall on him. He relaxed his muscle. I felt him as a kid sleeping on my lap.
I observed his ear, earlobe, his lips has softness... His face looks like a warrior. I felt so much... How much he know me and care me...
I bend over and gave a gentle kiss on his forehead. A drip of eye dropped from me on his eyebrow.
I saw him sleeping on my lap.
I wished to stay there forever in love of this Kuwar Sa from JanakiRam Palace!
© Saranya Anish Nair