

I'd rather Jump

Enter a hotel at ground level. But you scale to the top luxurious levels as you climb more and more upgrades and service. You've hit the summit floor, hundreds of stories up, and there's no more to go. You're forced to exit.. But via an outdoor staircase that is a straight shot down. Its steep and its narrow. The gusting wind makes it sway uneasily, rocking and shaking and creaking and clanking. But you must go down it. There's no other way. Fear and uncertainty set in. But you must brush that away in order to succeed. Also sadness and confusion vex your spirit as you feel abandoned, not allowed reentry into the palace you had just endured. Sadly you descend, feeling neglect and fear. One shy slip you will trip and you will tumble. Allllll the way down. Cant afford that, neither do you want that. Cautiously you carry on, but you're losing bravado. Hope gauge is empty. Taking words of advice from your shadow. Your legs and feet so cold they grow numb. Except for slicing pains rocketing from your toes to your knees.. You feel the breeze. But your torso and head are sweating. Scared to lose your balance, you start to tremble. Grip the railing, just squeeze. Begging please in agony. Before you know it you near the bottom. Something catches your eye from above and you notice it is someone you know. Someone familiar. Someone who also has gone through the same treatment you had just recently gone through. The best of everything . Epitome of everything. Eden. To be thrown out alone and with such a volatile climb for an exit. You call out to them, offering reassurance that like you, they too can make the climb, despite what they may now think.. before you can say more, they utter: '' I'D RATHER JUMP". And they do. And they plummet to the very bottom. There was nothing flattering about that. You scream in inexplicable awe and disbelief and scramble to the bottom to find them, hoping desperately that they've somehow made it and that they could come out of such a fall. But deep down you know better. And when you happen upon them, you are not shocked to find them mangled and astray. Your screams scream. And the tears hot on your cheeks let you know this is real. They were too scared of the impending journey, they took a quick escape. Both of the outcomes looked exactly the same to them. They feared they would not survive either, so they took the route of absolute death, rather than chance a possible recovery. Recovery is hard, its stubborn, its a bitch. But it is possible. You have to know that it is possible. Never ever lose sight of that.
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