

Sweet enough
‘‘The Dreamy Day”

Suddenly the phone is ringing..
Neera: Are you still sleeping? Quickly go and get ready.
Gracy:Why? asks casually
Neera: Are you serious?It's our first day in college,we can't be late and we need to join the welcome party.
Gracy: Finally, It's going to be a great Day
Neera: What? did you say something?
Gracy: No..no.., It's just I said I'll be ready
Neera: okay, I'll pick you up on the way
Gracy: got it
After sometime, Neera and Gracy go to the college together
Gracy: How much time left before welcome party?asks Gracy nervously while her eyes searching for someone.
Neera: I guess 45 mins, why are you asking for that? Do you need to do something, neera asks curiously
Gracy: It's.......... a secret, Gracy screams in Neera's ears.You go to meet your classmates, Gracy hurries neera
Neera: When will David arrive ? did he say something to you
Gracy: huh..,Nope, Maybe he'll join us in welcome party
Neera: Okay,then I'll go to my class
Gracy: See you..

Any guesses about next part😉

See you friends💗
Have a beautiful day 💐💐

© Fanrea