

Beautiful and troublesome story of life (Part-2)
If you guys haven't read the first part, then read it, it will make you understand the story better😄

Emma's parents were sitting in the hall and were talking among themselves. That's when they started talking about Emma's wedding and she listened to all their talk.
She couldn't understand how to react, how to accept all those things. After knowing that her marriage has been fixed since childhood, she was very surprised. She was very angry that her parents didn't even ask her about her opinion.
Then she told all these things to her sisters and asked “Kiara I don't understand what do I do?How could they do this to me”
Kiara said “Don't worry Emma, let me find the solution, I know everythings going to be alright"
Sarah was confused about what's going on but she didn't ask anything.
Then Kiara remembered that Adi is Zain's friend and the two have been together since school time then she called her cousin brother Adi and told him the whole thing.........

To be continued..........
This is the second part of the story. I hope you guys like it 😄
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