

The Greatness of a woman
When i look back to my younger days...days in which have the most importance and significance in the entirety of my life...its always me reflecting on the way that i was brought up and raised as a young individual. In the process of growing you see things you wish to forget...you learn, your process you move on....but in doing so you are learning from your older peers and Parents...you look and decifer how they deal with obstacles in their life  and in turn you either do the same or do your own thing. Watching my mother i saw a strong, respectful, hardworking, caring individual who always put others first....she was always there and it was at that moment i knew that i had to be the very best man i could be....i am the man i am because of my mother....i don't believe that a woman needs to be the caregiver and the only one doing everything when it comes to cleaning, cooking, taking care of the kids or household chores....at a very young age i knew that when i got to the point where i met someone i was not gunna be a traditional man but a man who will change diapers, cook, wash dishes, sweep mop ect. No matter if i worked or not after watching the things my mother did growing up and the stress she was under i was gunna do my very best to be a man that will help my lady in any way that i could....Ladies there is soooooo much greatness in you.... not only do you give life but you all are hardworking individuals and when it comes to your kids you will stop at nothing to do what you need to do for them....i admire what y'all can do and no matter what don't let a man ever belittle you for woman came out of a man’s rib. Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior, but from the side to be equal. Under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved....You all are powerful even superhuman at times....sometimes us men forget all that you do both physically and emotionally and on behalf of all men i want to apologize in that aspect furthermore i just want to say keep moving, keep striving for that goal whatever it may be and always remember The greatness of a woman.
© KrypticWriting