

Don't Blink...(09/06/21)
COVID 19 still in the air. and not looking to go anywhere anytime soon it looks like. Really makes you think about how you feel about your life ya know. So many have died and so many more will. Lately I been feeling something in the pits of my stomach that tell me something bad is about to happen but I hope it isn't true. However here lately it seems I'm becoming more and more farmiliar with a sense of magic in me it feels like. my ability to predict something that's about to happen. It's not just a feeling of trusting your gut, but sometimes feels like a direct sense of a situation as if it already took place and than reliving it over in the background.
Magic, I wouldn't call it being a witch or having powers or even being magic period. The only thing I know is that it's starting to happen to me more and more as years grow older and it's becoming intense because something in the vibration under my feet all the way up to my finger tips feels wrong. Just really hoping what this feeling is is wrong inside....