

My story
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised that my hands and legs are tied up with rope, I can't get my glasses. I was shocked when I woke i can see little bit that I was locked in a dark room with only one window, I can't even remember what happened and then i heard that someone is just next to my room and talking about someone, I didn't heard it clearly but I can understand that the person they were talking about was me, then someone coming to me and when they opened the door I pretended to be sleep they were talking to leave me and waking me up I didn't react and after they woke me up i didn't saw clearly but I saw one of my known
over there I asked him what are you doing and what's happening, why am i here. He requested all to leave the room for sometimes and he gave me my glasses, he said me that
"your brother and our boss had a fight and your brother beat my boss and I was forced to bring you here, I am sorry for what happened please forgive me. Your brother is here to take you, he is injured very badly take care of him." I said "You should be going to jail for what you have done you should regret for your job you will not have money to eat, then do work with them" then my brother was calling me, he was really injured badly but he called police at right time then police arrested them and said to take care of himself ... I fainted for 2 times in car. I can't sleep at night, after some days some of the symptoms were seen in me like
• sleep deprivation
• anxiety
• apathy.
we visited doctor and he said nothing serious only seasonal affictive disorder, it would take some time to recover but it will recover very soon but I was still afraid. Then my brother said no need to be afraid you will be getting to natural life again
after some day by getting some medication, therapies and physical exercises We observed the I am coming back to a normal human life but I know the truth
its only because of my brother.

-Pradyuti ( music melody )

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