

Love Infinite (27)
Episode 27 :- Reasons To Let Go

Previously Shanaya and Abhimanyu are heartbroken after finding out that they are each other's long lost love as Shanaya asks him to forget her because she fears that his life will be in danger because of her. He reaches his home being drunk.

Rajeshwari :- Are you seriously drunk right now?
Abhi :- Yes! Ma! I am really sorry. But this was the only way I knew to forget my pain. Once a very wise girl had told me alcohol can never be the solution to any problem but she's wrong. It's the best solution to forget something. I also wanted to forget my pain as I can't bear it.
Rajeshwari :- Who gave you such pain?
Abhi :- Shanaya.......she is Shanu.....
Rajeshwari :- What! Then Why are you upset when you have found her?
Abhi :- She doesn't want to be found MAA.... she feels like she will be risking my life if she is by my side.....she doesn't understand that she is making my life Even more difficult by keeping me away from her......why can't she just understand??
He falls down.
Rajeshwari :- are you okay dear?
Abhi :- No, I am not okay (sobs). My heart is aching since the moment she asked me to forget my love, like an idiot I even tried it but I couldn't. I can never forget it even if I die. She is engraved on my heart and in my mind. She is the love of my life.......maa
He falls asleep. His mother asks the servant to take him to his room. She caresses for him and that's when his aunt Radhika Shroof comes. She blames Shanaya for his state and says that she didn't keep her word. To which his mother sad she isn't someone to back from her words. He must have figured out that he is Shanu on his own. I can't believe that she has let him go just because I had asked her to not risk his life and to leave the job. She remembers the day when she saw Shanaya with with her father Shaurya.
Shanu :- Dad, why are you here? I see when your requests didn't work you have started to set a trap by coming here. If anyone sees me here with you they would get suspicions. Already I am tolerating their arrogance for no reason.
Dad :- What can I do? See I always ask you to come back but you don't at least just give me a visit to let me know that you are fine. I missed you.
Shanu :- Yeah! Hey! I was annoyed a moment ago, look at you! you made me melt so easily.
Dad :- I love you....my doll
Shanu :- (smiling) I love you too Dad....take good care of yourself. I will try to visit you often.
She walks away smiling. She then sees Abhi's mom. She walks to her.
She greeted her well.
Rajeshwari :- No wonder, You lived luxuriously. It's because you are business tycoon Shanaya Singhal. Why are you deceiving my son?
Shanaya :- Allow me to explain. I have no intention of harming your son. I just needed a job, I gave interview in many companies and I got selected here.
Rajeshwari :- Why does a business woman like you needs to work as a secretary?
Shanaya :- I am no longer a business woman, I left the Singhal Empire due to some personal reasons which I cannot disclose. But I can assure that I am working here just because I needed a job and a place to hide myself and to keep myself busy.
Rajeshwari :- So, how long have you planned to be in hiding like this?
Shanaya :- Not longer......I can't stay at any place longer.
Rajeshwari :- Why not? If you need a job and a place to hide where no one knows you....then why not this place? No one knows you here, you can stay here as long as you want. Why not for longer?
Shanaya :- It's better for you to not know that.....I will take your leave then.
Rajeshwari :- Will you not threaten or request me to keep your identity a secret?
Shanaya :- It's up to you. If you want to tell your son about it, you can as anyways I will be telling him one day. But don't say it to anyone else. If you tell your son then ask him too to not to tell anyone as well.
Abhimanyu walks towards them. He was surprised to see them together. He said to himself while looking at them lovingly two most important women of life. Shanaya smiled back at him and the way they looked at each other made Rajeshwari doubted at their feelings for each other. Suddenly, some goons arrive and circle around them. Rajeshwari was startled. Shanaya felt that they were tailing her. She asked them to leave. But they didn't. They were trying to approach but she had to make sure that her identity isn't revealed.
Shanaya :- Mr. Shroff, take care of yourself and your mother.
She started to run from there making the goons follow her. But some stayed back, with whom Abhimanyu fought beating them all. Shanaya :- Who are you?
Goon :- We weren't tailing you! Why did you run is all we want to know?
Shanaya :- Why did you come for him?
Goon :- You don't need to know......
He walks ahead in order to punch her but she grasped his fist and hit his shoulder with her elbow bone.
Shanaya :- Now your mouth will open or else your hand will break very very badly.
Goon :- Some one paid us for this. They asked us to kill him. We don't know who they are.
Shanaya :- You have come to kill him in broad daylight. Waah! You could've come when he is alone And it's dark rather than now.
Goon :- Did you save him because you could give us a better idea ?
Shanaya :- Look at you... talking back at me. You don't seem to love your hand much.
Goon :- No. no please....
She left them there and asked Viaan to take care of them. She went back to office and seeing Abhimanyu fine, she was relaxed but then Abhimanyu received a call from his mother who asked him to get Shanaya home. He told her about it and wondered why she called her.
Shanu :- I wonder why she called me.
Rajeshwari :- Welcome shanaya! I hope you are fine. I was expecting you to be brave but you ran away.
Abhi :- Maa, she was being brave itself. To save us, she ran so that those guys follow her and she can take care of them on her own.
Rajeshwari :- Take care of them means??
Abhi :- Means....beating them. She is good at it. She is a black belt in Martial Arts. She is also an expert in kickboxing.
Rajeshwari :- I see..... but behind whom had they come!!
Abhi :- Actually they were sent by one of my competitors whom I got arrested when I got to know that he does illegal business.
Rajeshwari :- Oh! Well done dear.
Shanaya :- Did they try to involve you in illegal business as well?
Abhi :- No.
Shanu :- Okay, did their illegal business cause loss in your business or did they hurt you in any way?
Abhi :- No. not at all.
Shanu :- Waah! You are so great.
She said to herself that no wonder now how he brings danger for himself. Dumbo why did he complain. I agree I do the same but I always save myself infact I always have Viaan to take care of those. What a man!
Rajeshwari :- What are you thinking about?
Shanu :- Nothing.
Rajeshwari :- Earlier when you had come, Radhika was a bit rough to you so I thought to call you over for dinner again since you even helped us a lot today.
Shanu :- I see....
She then asks Abhi to get dressed and takes shanaya along to the kitchen where his aunt was there.
Radhika :- I never imagined you would turn out to be the daughter of Shaurya Singhal, the owner of Singhal Empire.
Shanu :- Can you please keep your voice low, if sir hears, it will be a problem.
Rajeshwari :- Didn't you say you have planned to tell him?
Shanu :- I did. But I haven't told him still and if he comes to know by anyone else he will be hurt thinking that I couldn't trust him with my secret.
Radhika :- All we ask you is don't be near him. And leave the job asap.
Shanu :- May I know why?
Rajeshwari :- To be frank, I did a background check on you. I found out about your past.
Shanu :- I am sorry about that. You might have to hear a lot worse things about me.
Rajeshwari :- They were all good things about you. But those good things ended you up in danger. Your life remains in danger always. There are many enemies around you. If you don't raise your hand against them there's a very less chance of you going back home in one piece.
Shanaya :- Well....your source is very reliable, I think.
Rajeshwari :- Of course very reliable because it's your father.
Shaurya :- Hii dear!


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