

Admist In the Darkness
Argument of the epic

During the final occurrence of Triwizard tournament, the ornament of which lavishly incorporated design of gloom. The love triangle utterance though from slightly Cedric-Cho-Fleur could have been prosecuted into the cravings platform. Death of Cedric Diggory and revitalising him to return to some utmost misery that had been beheld on his wife Fleur. The narrator Cho Chang choosed the path of prophetic words have venting the purest ransom brought into her. For the merest problematic provocation inhaled the purpose of that school of wizardry, and therefore fraternizing with evil. The good virtue put to be unbreakable admonition, must not be ideally saved someone or rejoice the moment for God. Fleur died for Cedric, Cedric had almost dead for nothing but nevertheless his virtue of goodness attained the Eternal Glory while he could not save his bride. The satanic views of all errors in voluptuous attempts to destroy one's good life, good advocacy is not derived from God own voice to speak up from the demons. Lord Voldemort and Diana Bellaston were not bred by only evil, they were intendly veil and cruel. The foolerity and popularity of Harry Potter interviewed by Lord Voldemort; slapping killing curse on Cedric Diggory, somehow saved by Cho's wise love. At last credulity of Fleur Delacour was at the time amused by his handsome grandeur and suddenly she knew that fell for him. Diabolical Diana Bellaston intent that if she could able to remnant into the good bower house of Cedric and Fleur, where Fleur ultimately destroyed her own life for saving Cedric once again.

This epic story in the form of poetry is slightly derived from the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. This argument is not the entire story but I have tried to summarise it that any other epics has been condescend.
Part 1 of Admist in the Darkness will be composed in a few days later.