

As the officer pulls his cruiser out of my driveway I get this errie feeling in my gut that it's not over and soomer of layer those two idiots will return and finish me off. I really don't know what they want from me. Not long after locking up real tight and setting the alarm that's never been activated once since I been in my home now going on 15 years....boy I'm so sleepy and I am sure I will fall asleep on my feet if I don't get back to bed. The sun was coming up and I was going down. My head hit the pillow so hard I almost felt like I'd gotten struck upside my head.
All I know is that I opened my eyes and there was a big red door, nothing else I see around the door. I must've missed the door opening up and the woman that came out of the door. She was tall and she had on all black leather skirt suit and six and a half inch heels. Long legs walking in front of me she never spoke a word all I could hear was her heels clacking on the marble floors. She held a clipboard tight to her chest. After some time she stopped walking and motioned with her clipboard for me to go in to the white door to my right. Inside the room the floors the walls the entire roomw was stark white almost electric white. I was going to turn and ask the lady in heels what happens next bit she was gone and so was the door I just went through. I didn't know where I was I've never been here and I can't recto all why I came in the first place. All alone I begin to take iny surroundings, and I swear it this room or place I'm in is all the walls floors and ceiling seem to run right into each other no lines no breaking point anywhere. The bench coming from the wall didn't look mounted but it appeared to be coming out of the wall like an arm or leg would. THIS IS WEIRD.
For what I can say is that I can get someone in here with the answers to my questions....Miss the doctor will see you now and.tjwn a window on my left opened, and the face of a elderly man with softened features looked at me without any kind of expression on his face at all. I oled slightly and said " umm hello,, uhh doctorrrrr," "Zeron" he filled in the blank. " Nice to meet you. I am Kenlyn Drake," I anounced stretching my hand forward to shake his but he did not accept it but instead he looked at me over his glasses and said " I am aware of that" But how on earth dose he know me I don't have the slightest clue who he is or why I'm here. He is just sitting there staring at me without really saying much. Just as I was going to ask why I'm here he slid a tiny cup containing one single round red pill. It took me about 15 minutes to get up enough nerve to touch the cup and another 20 to pour the red pill in my hand for inspection. Before I could even ask Doctor whatever his name is,what's up with the medication, he'd slid a small but bigger than the last trixzy cup and it contained " Water" Dr.Zeron spoke up as if he'd read my mind. Truth be told I actually don't feel sick or anything.Taking the pill in one hand and the water to wash it down with in the other. Once od popped it in my mouth I almost immediately chased it with water. When it was all said and done I finished the water and set the cup down and the good doctor Wasn't there and niether was the window where he was just seated. I called out the doctor and got back no response. " That's somewhat percular" I stated to no one in particular, seein is that there wasn't a soul around to hear me.
The wind blew up around my skirt and I realize I'm outside the building. And I'm no even gonna ask how I got there. What was that pill I wondered. Like it or not I was going to turn it down but why would they give me something that's bad for my health,
so I don't have any reason to worry.....
And then the first time it happened had happened. First it was like a warm fuzzy feeling like I was drunk, then it seemed like I was lighter than air, floating on a cloud of sorts I looked down and I saw me standing there looking around, and who is that besides me? He looks so happy to see me and I seem to be greeting him eagerly. Wait where's the door the red door.? And where am I now...
This shit is real strange... Looking back down to where myself was.....where the fuck did I go ? ...Did I leave with that man.???In a panic I looked all around and at my 8 o'clock I spotted me and that mystery man walking down in to the subway station on Baron Ave. heading out of veiw fast. Not sure how to move from here I swing my arms like I was a bird flapping wings, and it worked soon I was above them again and this time I wouldn't loose them.
***** the end of ch#2*****

© NiKishaDWarwick