

As she felt her head hit the pillow her world changed, the color of the room the temperature of the air, the smell she knew and the world she thought she did, gone. As her eyes fluttrrd open she peered through the window to see snow falling effortlessly. It was a beauty she never knew, living where she did she had never seen snow, the feeling of cold hitting her skin, the sharp air in her lungs, all unfamiliar. She walked down the hall that wasn't hers. the pictured of people she didnt know, and the smell of baked bread. She didnt know what to do. She walked down the stairs out the door and into a world new to her. She felt cold. The kisses of snow hitting her skin and the chill of air against her legs and arms, surrounding her in a blanket of in uneasiness. Her feet hit the stone steps a layer of numbness covering her feet. She walked forward down the road, the occasional rock or stick in her way. No noise, no car driving down the empty streets, no person walking. no dog barking. Nothing but dead silence. She should have felt scared, she should have felt something, but her mind was as empty as the road she walked on. She turned around suddenly, there's no point walking if she didnt know where to go, she might as well have gone back to the house, she smelled bread so someone had to be there. She walked back to the house she woke up in. Up the same steps and opens the same door. As she stepped inside she felt the warm air hit her and the sweet smell of bread cooking in the oven offered a comforting moment as she found her way into the kitchen where she saw a man standing in front of the oven, light being emitted from it. She called out a greeting filled with confusion and fear as her emotions rushed back to her. The man turned around shokcrd to see her out of bed. "Y-your awake" he said. "When I found you outside yesterday I wasn't sure if you would", "Where am I, H-how did I get here?" she replied shocked to have no memory of what had happens. "I don't know those answers, I'm sorry. I went outside a few days ago and found you lying on the road, blood suroundong you" he said his worlds spilling out as he spoke. " Why didnt you take me to the hospital or something?" She felt confused by this, why hadn't he? "Thats the problem. When I woke up that morning I tried to but there was no one there. I went to another one and same story. I looked everywhere but again no people, the cars still there but abandoned, I'm sure you must have seen it. So I took you home and let you rest in the guest bedroom" he said confusion flowing out. "so its just us?" she said. "Yeah, just us"