

Ghost Crash!
It was a chilly December night. The sky was dark and low, the air so chilled it hurt to breathe. Already the ground was laid white with frost and any water that had been liquid under the winter sun had become ice. I was driving down the forest road in the hope of reaching home fast and tucking myself in the cozy little bed of mine and give my body all the warmth it needs. It was already past 3 AM. Witching hour, ah! Lmao. It's a bit creepy right! But it's normal for a call centre worker. I worked late as I was thinking of taking a day off tomorrow. It was around 4.05 AM and the road was empty.

I was almost out of the forest road limits when I saw an older model car, light blue or silver, launch off an embankment, roll 3 or 4 times, end over end. I could actually see a human fly through the air.

I pulled over and called 911 & gave them the GPS coordinates of the overpass. I asked the dispatch if I should back down the highway and she told me not to because there was an officer less than 2 mins away.

20 mins later, I get a call from the police, asking exactly where it was. I repeated the info. The officer said that he was sitting at that location & there was nothing there. Not a skid mark, broken glass or flattened grass. Nothing at all.

When I got home, I googled it. This what I found out:

Exactly ten years prior, a group of teenagers were speeding down a suburban road when they lost control, flipped over a guide rail & rolled down the embankment. All 6 kids were killed.

They were driving 1986 Oldsmobile. The time of the accident… 4:05 am.”