

The New Girl -Chapter two (My New School)
Here goes the part 2 , read part one for a better understanding.....................................

Later on.....
It was a very long drive but,luckily we got there,after Charles had been admitted into his new school(middle school) with a frown ,how sad but am sure with time he would brighten up when he sees new people .
I stood tall with my head up high putting up a broad smile in the front of BRANDSTONE COLLEGE. it was a thousand times bigger and fancy than my previous school,students rushing inside the school with their parents biding them goodbye,some came in fancy cars,some trecked their way down to school and some took the school bus. Me standing with my mum and dad besides me gave me more courage . The school was big and wide,it was painted brown and white,written on it was BRANDSTONE COLLEGE bodly and with capital letter and a sign board at the entrance saying " welcome to BRANDSTONE COLLEGE". "yeeepee i was so excited.
" Good day Mr and Mrs Martinez" said a beautiful young lady with a smile in a fitted black and white suit sitted in an office with so much books and a computer. "Good day Mrs. Richards " replied my parents with a smile. "Have a sit " said the young lady ." Olivia,this is your new principal say hi" said mum. "Principal? " i asked in my mind . I guess mum was smart enough to read my mind "yes! principal. now greet" "Good morning ma'am its a pleasure to be here".I said in a low voice cause i was still in shock of how a very young woman could be a principal and also a married woman. "Hello dear its indeed a pleasure to have you" replied the principal . After all clearance had been made i was officially a grade 10 student of Brandstone college. The thought was overwhelming cause i heard a lot on the school ,so being called a student of that school was like a dream come true and the feeling was inexplicable. I really have to say everyday was just getting better.
I stepped into a class ,with the principal standing right in front of me "Hello class " said the principal "Good day Mrs.Richards "replied the students . "Welcome your new classmate Miss Olivia Martinez. She is new here so make her feel welcomed " said the principal . Thereafter ,she turned to me with a smile and said "Welcome Miss Olivia Martinez " i returned the greeting with a warm smile and she left for her office ."Good day Miss Olivia Martinez, i am Miss Barrett your new econimics teacher ,you are welcome now take the vacant seat at the front lets' get to todays' work " Said my new economics teacher Miss Barrett. "Wow! she's so old and yet not married and the young is married ? what!! i thought to myself . I made my way slowly to my sit cause i was feelling kinda nervous . Immediately i sat down , then heard a whisper from a girl behind me saying "Hey Olivia ,welcome am Jessica Huntsman its a pleasure to meet you ! . I replied with a warm smile, i guess am already making friends. While,turning I made eye contact with a very pretty girl with blonde hair and she gave me a stern look ! what?
There was a group of friends at the back seat ,eating,talking and misbehaving ... and the teacher said nothing ? What!! wow! the drama just began......

Stay tuned for part 3!!

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