

God or God-maker #opinions
Science tells me God must exist. My mind tells me I will never understand God. And my heart tells me I am not meant to.

I ask myself over and over,
"where is God!?" also 'Who is' 'what is'
Is God a he or she or both or none?

if God created us, then why God could not guide us?
If God is tired and too lazy to talk to each and everyone, God can do a quick interview in tons of languages spoken by people.
(P.S. Do remember to bring all your religious masks for the interview, God. I didn't wished for world war three. It won't be good on your portfolio if everyone you're the reason behind.)

If God is known to only homo sapiens, what about the nature and the world created by it? are they created to be enslaved by humans?
(If world war started between nature and humans, it'd be a collection of many PG-13 apocalyptic movies. What would be the end?)

As far as we go back, one thing is for sure
"People witnessed God!".
Yes, they witnessed before and why not now?
unlike us, our ancestors never asked for identification or proof or asking one or two dumb wishes to Prove what they were.

Like now, there were bad times all along.
We all seeked hope to live for and peace to sleep calm. We needed guidance that shouldn't be questioned even after centuries. No kingdom or Government or Billionaires should dare question that principles.

It must've sounded insane if principles that needed to be followed arises out of thin layer of brains and imagination. They needed a face.
"A face with belief, hope and
principles behind"

As science helped us, this current generation find this beautiful discovery through inventions of innovations, helped see things clear.

"We don't need a mask or a face to held our belief, hope and our principles, all we need is us"

If God created Adam and Eve
Us humans created several Gods.

So, Who is God!?
God or God-maker?

(P.S. God is hope
God is peace
God is you
God is me
God is good

And God is not war.)

© Prakash JR
#WritcoStoryPrompt46 #Gods