

innocent lover -part 2
Again the story starts with Saquii and Handsome boy Dee,
Morning when she realize that one young boy came in her dream loves intimately and promised to come back to marry her, now only she realize it was illusion of dreams." saquii are you alright " asked Dee (the man who she sight in park , then a unknown crush and cousin).
saquii looking him with deep thoughts, the man called saquii with lovable note,
she said why you came? the man stunned by the question.
he said, when you unconscious, I was afraid and my heart sound hears and I don't know why! saquii asked did you see me somewhere else in the past? he said no iam not sure about that. she said come to terrace evening and this should be secret meet.
He seems normal and went to his room in the palace. but till evening both of them are restless. he went outside taking his black horse to his father's place. he rushing to the saquii palace when evening is came.
The sun dawn and the orange yellow mixed colour of sky makes the senary beautiful, while she stepped into the terrace
Dee suddenly hugs her from the back and drop of water fell from Dee eyes to saquii heart and she melted like butter.
she turns her body and wiped his tears, then asked what you remember, he said, "all the things". while three centuries ago, when the war started against two dynasty by the young strongest king Alex ,he wins the war and capture the enemy dynasty. he said that prince should be kept in separate small town and ordered to teach the 🏹archery to the king Alex and his soldiers.
daily when the sun rises and dawns the practice starts, and she annoyed to teach her family precious war ethics. king Alex understands her and stops the process.
"prince vasthi why are you mean to me?" asked Alex.she answered that you killed my whole dynasty and family and then you left me alive how is it happens?
we the king Alex family will not kill females in the wars, and he said that the war starts because your dynasty tortured common people and hanged many young couples for love marriages and increases taxes. I made a decision to save your people from your father and then succeeded.
she convinced with his explaination and coughed badly. he suddenly command the doctor in the tent to check her. he said that she cannot bare the cold outside and make her clothes warm and he went.
king Alex took her and walked fastly to the kings tent. he put her woollen clothes and rubbed her hands, she feels normal. she said Alex are you married ?and your wife is gifted. Alex said, no but you may be....
she stands to thank him but slipped on the floor, king shouting vasthi and catched her like a pigeon in his hands and laid her to the bed, vasthi hair hooked in king 's dress and he slips and managed. vasthi saw closely with shy in her face and Alex kissed her lips and then neck.
suddenly vasthi get conscious, and pushed him and said "if you want me then fight with me in archery ,then I will marry you "...

to be continued in part -3
© ranjani