

Why, Master?
The instructions were clear:
'Go in, retrieve the package, don't look back.'
That simple.
He did everything right till he looked back...
There was no one but he felt some dangerous aura around him. He disrespected the intructions of his master, now . . . he's got to pay the price. He kept walking to his house still feeling the dangerous aura ever since he turned back. He was getting ready to go to sleep, when he was awaken in the middle of the night by a tap on his shoulder. He saw a faint silhouette and *BANG* !!! He was hit in the head with a pan. His vision came but he saw darkness and only darkness. He started recalling the events of what just happened in his own bedroom. The darkness was taken away and it turned to bright light. He was blindfolded and now they want to see his face of who kidnapped him (if he even noticed what's going on). He saw his master and he asked why and why he was tied up. His master was standing next to the dangerous aura person. His master told the guy to leave and that his job was done. The dangerous aura guy left with no words whatsoever. The master told him he was getting kidnapped. The master then grabbed him and held a knife to his neck then said "You looked back!" The guy that got kiddnapped saw on the wall, with 1 dead body infront of it, it looked like blood but it said "NOW YOU HAVE TO PAY THE PRICE!"