

u r still in my memories
Chapter 2 :-
As you all knew that I had failed in my every proposal. At that time a friend of my suggest me to collect more information about her. with in 2days I have a complete detail analysis report of her .that report is just like this ;
Name -Avni srivastabh
age -21
adress -old town sahid nagar
behavior - cold
- arrogent
-angry bird
what she like -bitterguard
-her guitar
- her diary
what she really hate - sweets
- fake smile
It's really weird that how can some one love to eat bitterguard but heat chocolates. even where girls are famous for gossips but she hate it and avoid it as much as she can.
At that time ...me master Abhi only have a single thought in my mind that I fall in love with world most weird and abnormal girl .😵.is she even a human??⁉️.
I conclude from this above information is that I have no chance with this girl.
With this cat & mouse race .....
many days pass away ..
one day our collage principal asked her to visit in his chamber.
It's really a surprising thing .........
But I didn't mind that incident at let it go.

As I already told u that she is among toppers in our school ,our principal autally invited parents of those toppers ,i am also looking forward to saw my in -laws......
I came to knew that her parents are already passes out when she was just 8 year old ....
when I heard this news I rush to principal office because I thought that she might be sad becoz of her parents absence.
I went their and asked " Sir! where is Avni ?" ..
some one from those office staff rise his head from files and told me that " she was already informed us that her parents are not alive so their is no one who can join meeting from her side"!!
then I quickly returned to class room and stared looking for her ..finally I found her in the corner of our playground ....
she was sitting alone their..no one was their to disturb her .she was silently listening music ..
But still those warm tears are falling down from her cheeks...........
I want to comfert ..I am to tell her that it does not matter if u don't have ur parents in ur side , u still have me..I am with u forever and ever ....

suddenly the sound of the notificatio of a message in my phone broke the silence environment....
their is a post on school group ..
every child want to study hard and achieve successes not only for her self or him self ..instead that child want to saw the proud moment of parents on her achievement....
But I am the most unlucky one ..
I have achievements but no one is their to proud of me..
- book warm

after Reading those lines I understand that " those persons who behave like angry bad with cold face, no emotion or no expression, it doesn't means that they don't have heart. They are just alone from inside.they just pretend that they are stone ...but they have fear that some one may be discover at alone chamber .may discover that real person."
that is the truth ...
the book warm whom I stared to lone is just afraid that some one may discover that sweet girl inside this arrogent cold face .so she always stay alone.
I had read some lines in a novel of rohit Sharma" love of my life " that
'love is just like pain it's grows until it became ur life" ....
I thought that their is no chance for me but from today level of my love is not stay only at love at first sight!
it grows even more until I will make her a part of mu life.....

to be continue.......
- little z

don't forget to give me some feedback in comment ....