

The Horrors of Hentershire: The Farmer
THUMP THUMP!! A loud knock was heard against the door- Clarissa awoke with a start confused as to why somebody would be at her door at 2 in the morning. She stumbled out of bed wearing no more than a pair of short and a short top, she slid on her fluffy purple slippers and made her way to the front door.

"Who is it?" Clarissa shouted as she stood by the door awaiting a response. Nothing, complete silence. "I'll ask one more time before I call the police" she added sounding a bit more scared now. Was this a robbery? Were they waiting for her to open the door so they could pounce? She slowly inched herself away from the door to her phone, when suddenly.

"Oh sorry Ms. Thomson I was just wondering if you saw my sherrie? She managed to escape again and I'm wondering if you know where she went?" The man questioned. "Oh my- you gave me a fright David. Umm I haven't seen her I'm afraid, is she one of your cows?" Clarissa asked curiously. "Oh-uh-yes she is one of my cows, a crazy breed of them might I add always begging for more food than she already has, trying to escape constantly" David said, stumbling over his words. "Is everything okay?" Clarissa asked, concerned for the farmers safety. "Oh-oh yes it's just...my wife will kill me if she finds out Sherrie escaped again" David said a hint of fear in his voice. "Oh well have a good night and I hope you find here" Clarissa said before promptly closing the door.

Clarissa went back to bed but still thought about her strange encounter with the farmer, she had a feeling all was not right and decided she would check up on Farmer David to make sure he was ok. She pulled out her phone and messaged Jack her boyfriend to come over with her so they could investigate the farm. About 20 minutes later there was a knock at the door. Clarissa rushed to the door smiling, it had been awhile since she had seen her boyfriend since he was usually on trips for his job as a businessman.

She opened the door...only to find a parcel, she popped her head out of the door and looked around for the deliverer of this mysterious package. Nobody was there, not a single trace of anyone having been there. She quickly picked up the package and slammed the door behind her. The package let out a horrible odour something similar to that of a dead body...as she slowly unwrapped the packaging and peeked inside the parcel she gasped before dropping the parcel allowing all the gory contents to spill out of the box.

She screamed for her life as her boyfriends head stared back at her, with a hand coming out of his mouth. Clarissa shook violently sobbing and hoping to god that this was a prank. A shadow moved past the window closest to her...Clarissa slowly rose up, tears still streaming down her face. "Who-whoever it is I'm calling the police if you don't leave" Clarissa screamed sobbing through her words.

A tall figure loomed by her door. "Oh my god, Ms. Thomson are you okay? What happened he-oh my...here let me take you to my house and we can sit you down away from this mess" David said with a concerned look on his face. "He's gone...he's really gone" She sobbed uncontrollably leaning into David for support. "I know sweetie, it's gonna be ok I promise, let's get you some where safe first" David assured her. He slowly walked her to his house and sat her down.

On the walk Clarissa couldn't help notice a blade sticking out of David's pocket with fresh blood on it..."It's probably just from an animal" She thought to herself. They entered David's house and she sat on the couch waiting for David. "Hey David where's your wife?" Clarissa asked a hint of confusion in her voice. "Oh Darling I don't have a wife, I don't have a cow named Sherrie either, although Sherrie does act like a cow sometimes" David said laughing while he spoke. "What about sherrie escaping? Was that a lie, what's going on David" Clarissa questioned now scared of what he would say.

"Well Sherrie is my fertiliser for my crop, yes severed limbs and blood make great fertiliser, so full of nutrients, they make the crop grow bigger and tastier aswell." David laughed. "What do you mean, why are you saying this stuff?" Clarissa said now afraid for her own life. "I'm sorry about Jack by the way, I know you loved him but he asked too many questions so...I dealt with him, my tomatoes are defintely gonna be voted best in this years festival" David spoke proud of his work. "No-no-you couldn't, you wouldn't, not Jack please not Jack" Clarissa began to sob again. "Don't worry I'm not going to kill you Ms. Thomson, let's say...you give me your hand and I'll let you go. Or I can take your body." David continued to laugh as he spoke. However, now he brandished his blood soaked knife.

He slowly walked to wards clarissa and tied her down as she tried to fight back, he wrapped a tourniquet just above her elbow and began chopping into her arm. The pain exploded through her arm as she screamed in agony, hoping to wake up from this sick dream...but she never did. One more chop and it was off..."There we go, now was that so hard? Alright head off to a hospital now Ms. Thomson, I don't want you bleeding to death" David chuckled. "Also if anybody finds out expect a visit from your friendly neighbourhood farmer" He laughed as Clarissa bolted out of the door.

She hopped into her car and drove to the hospital, passing out just as she reached the front desk. It's been 10 years since the event happened, she moved away from America and lives in England now, she still remembers the words the farmer uttered before she left the house. Her story was that it was chopped off from a farmer incident, not completely false,but not the full truth. Yesterday however, as she was sweeping the floors of the store she worked in she spotted a familiar sight, standing in front of her was Farmer David smiling "you broke our promise deary, time to pay the price" Clarissa screamed as she tried to escape from the farmer but her efforts were futile...a knife sunk into her back and as she gasped out her last dying breath she realised that this was the end.

Her body sunk into the floor, lifeless..Farmer David left the store smiling, proud of his work. This would not be the last of them, that he knew very well. People know never to utter the name Farmer David for if they do theres no telling who they might find standing right in front of them....

To be Continued....
© 1mmanic