

The Draca Chronicles: Origins (Chapter 3: News!)
When large scale battles acure they are fast news. Even those living in hidden homes in the forest near a tiny village very far from the action hear of it. A whole five years after it all went down she heard that the Formchanger family was all but destroyed and what was left went back to their ancestor Ardeth Köttera's family name. With this news in mind, and having already been using the sir name Köttera, she chose to go home hoping that the faction that won was the one she belonged to. If so they would welcome her with open arms but mostly she wanted her daughter. She only knew her through the telepathic connection they shared. The twins were seven so then Konna had to be ten she was three years older then they were.

(A Draca Chronicles Introduction:
An introduction to the Vampiric migration to the planet Draca!)
© A.R.Kicinski