

The Cursed Diamond
Two months ago, A girl name kriti and her friends Sayna, Anna and Simran are coming from the school. Kriti was good in studies and a brave girl. Sayna was a adventurous and brave girl as kriti. Anna was not so good at studies but a good and kind girl. Simran was Class topper and good in sports. They are best friends.
One day, They are coming from school and they are talking about their coming exams. Suddenly they saw something shinning in the middle of jungle. When they gone there there was a old torn map and a shining stone. Kriti and Sayna was very excited and said let's have an adventure by looking at this map. Anna and Simran did not agree at first then after much discussion finally they agreed.Then everyone went home and packed their bag and told their parents that they are going on a trip for a few days.

The next day, in the morning they started their journey. First they saw a big river but there was no bridge. Then suddenly kriti saw a boat behind the bushes. They pulled it out in the water. And crossed the river. There are some crocodiles in the river but they crossed safely. After crossing the river they walked for 6 hours, then Anna told that she was too hungry. Kriti took out a packet of biscuits from her bag and devide it to everyone. After eating and taking some rest they again started walking then they saw there was a temple named " The cursed temple, Simran got little confused why should the temple name started from cursed. They decided to go inside. At the first they saw a circle key in the door. They started to find it around. But there was nothing suddenly Sayna remembered that shinning stone, She asked kriti to gave it to her. Kriti took it out and give it to her. Sayna took it and placed it in the circle key. Suddenly a loud noise happen and the door started to opening. Inside there was some bats that was very terrible. There was very dark. Anna took out a torch and started to looking around. Next they saw there was a tree over the path they got confused how can a tree grow inside the temple. It was fully surrounded with roots. They were scared. Kriti took out a knife and cut the roots and passed away. Then there was a statueof a godness and in the hand of the godness there was a diamond. It was shinning. And suddenly Sayna saw there was a notice, there was writen that " This is a cursed diomoned, Which was cursed by a monk 2 millions years ago. If anyone touch it then they will be a stone" Kriti and her friends got too scared. But kriti never give up. She started looking around the notice and the statue she saw there was a date 2/2/2020 She got understand that this is not any cursed diomond this is only a diomond that was stolen from the museum. She got understand that this is done by any thief or robber to safe this diomond. Then they climb up on the statue and took the diomond out. And they went to thier home.

They go to the police station and told all story to them. Police started to interrogate the place if they can got any clue. Kriti and her friends were rewarded for their work. And they went home and started for their exam preparation.
- Shruti Das