

Chapter 5


Tribe leader to Rony : So you are saying You are not from this world , and we are in a book, and you got here accidently .hahahah..


(everyone around laughs)



Rony: Believe me . its the truth


tribe leaader : okay ..so follow me and just be quite


(The tribe leader takes them towards their ancient place of prayer. There, they meet the ancient tribe guru)


Tribe leader to Guru: Guru this are the people , says who travelled from the other world


Guru: I know son, finally the day has arrived


(everyone looks suprising, they cant understand what the guru was saying)


Rony: which day guru?


Guru: The day of prophecy, my child. 30 years ago, a man and a woman traveled from another world. At that time, we were all under the rule of the evil king Bhujanga. Every man and woman were brutally tortured. They treated us like animals. This man and woman from another world saw us suffering, and decided to fight the king. But, there are some rules for challenging the king to a fight. You should be the king yourself to fight the king in the games of chaturanga.


Aish: Game of chaturanga, whats kind of game it is?


Rony: Aish , Its the ancient name of the chess?


Guru : Yes, this is what the man from other world called it the game of chess,


Rony: oh come on its only game of chess


Guru: but rules here are different , this game of chaturanga needs living pieces


Rony and Aish (shockingly): What?


Rony: SO what happened after the man decides to fight the king


Guru: Oh, as per the first condition, he should be the king. So, he has to figure out how to fight a king. Then, he got a plan that he will take help of the neighbor kingdoms' king. However, everyone declined him. But he never gave up , he still tried to convince them again and again. but the same result. One day, he met the king of Miharka kingdom. The king's little daughter had a rare body disease. Every time the girl tried to move or walk, one inch of her body started growing branches like trees. The king asked him for help. He wanted the seed of the Jivansparsh tree. It was the only cure for his daughter. If the man brought the seed, the king would help him fight the king. So the man researched for the Jivansparsh tree,as per the reports it was in the deep of the forest.


The man travelled for almost 1 year to search for the tree. He faced many consequences. He stayed hungry for a day. But he travelled without food and water for days. He survived by joining many other tribes in the jungle. Many times he faced wild animals, almost until death. but the man was made of stone with heart. he still moved on for the search of the tree,


Finally, one day, he finds the end of this world. He finds that the tree exists behind the waterfall, where water flows upside. But taking the seed from the tree was not easy ,

Their were three steps to reach to the tree,

The first was to fight the warrior from the hell, where he wins but unfortunately lost the map to return in the fight,

The second step was to pass through various obstacles. It was successfully completed.

The third and final tree will ask you three puzzle questions. If you give a wrong answer, you will be sent to hell. If you give a right answer, you will be rewarded with the Jivansparsh seed.


And the trees started asking the puzzles ,


Tree: 1) What disappears as soon as you say its name?


Man: uhhh.... Silence


Tree: thats good, now lets see can you pass this one 2)This belongs to you, but everyone else uses it.


Man: May be Your name.


Tree: That's excellent. Now, if you get this one, I will give you my seed. If you fail, you'll be thrown into hell.


Man: ok. whatever the consequences are I'm still ready


Tree: so here's your last one 3) What is it that given one, you’ll have either two or none?


Man: Thats really something difficult, uhh....let me think.


Tree: Come on Man accept your defeat you lose.


Man: No, I havent answer yet


Tree: And you can never answer that one


Man: And here we go its A choice


Tree: How in the world ? you passed it. no one in past 1000 years have reached here ,those who reached all were sent to the hell


Man: So where is the seed?


Tree: here is your reward man. take this and remember this seed will only last for 4 days outside this cave.


Man : ok Thank you


and the man starts moving with speed of the wind on his horse towards mahirka kingdom. when he reached their the Princess was 75% turned into the tree branches. the man was just on the time

and they saved the princess. The king agrees to help the man fight evil King Bhujanga, as promised. First, they challenged the evil king to a chaturanga. the evil king accepted the challenge. The man also fought in battle with the mahirka king , and the evil king was defeated. Everyone thought the evil king died in the battle, but he was still alive until the traveler went back to his world. Then, he returned and took over the throne by killing the mahirka king in his sleep. Now, he also ruled over the Mahirka Kingdom. He made a temporary ruler for the Mahirka Kingdom. He also killed thousands of people in villages. We were some who survived and ran into the deep forests. And now you my child you came again after 30 years its not coincidence ,its was the prophecy my child prophecy.



Rony : but How I cant fight and I am not that person your looking for , sorry


(and Rony and aish starts walking outof that place but suddenly a man comes their ..)


Unknown tribe man: Tribe leader I have some intel , from the kingdom


Tribe leader: Ok go ahead


unkown tribe man: there are two persons brought in the kingdom as prisoners few days ago.


Tribe leader: Is their any info who are they?


unkown tribe man: No leader


Rony: Two persons , Aish They may be


Aish: Yes They may be Raj and Venky uncle


Guru : What name did you say ?


Aish: Venky!


Guru: thats the name of the man who defeated the king 30 years ago.


Rony: What Dad? That means all the time dad telling the stories were true


Aish: now what rony? what we gonna do?


Rony: Its simple lets get those two back...





Chapter 6

Rony and Aish learned that Venky and Raj were prisoners at Bhujanga's palace. They decided to rescue both, but it seemed nearly impossible to enter the palace.

Rony: So, how gonna we rescue those two from the palace?

Tribe leader: oh , no..no...no its nearly impossible , such a stupid idea

Rony: Then What else can we do? Plz help us

Guru: Oh , we Will definitely help

Tribe leader: but Guru...

Guru to the tribe leader: "When we were nothing, his father helped us. Today, when they need us, we should not hesitate to sacrifice our lives."

(Whole tribe starts war sloganeering "ho ha..ho ha..ho..ha...")

Guru: But their is no other way to defeat bhujanga, rather than the game of chaturanga

tribe leader: so we cant kill him in his palace or at any other place

Guru: No. He never comes out of the palace. Every time, he is surrounded by his guards. It's merely impossible.

Rony: So whats our plan then , How we gonna defeat him?

Guru: the only left my child is the game of chaturanga

Rony: Oh no..no.. It's impossible because I'm not the king. So, I can't challenge Bhujanga. Most importantly, I was never good at mind games, especially in chess. Plus, it's a living chess. So , forget about it

Guru: Then my child their is no other option, the option left is now to watch die your father

(Now Rony is really in difficult situation, he deeply inhales..)

Rony to Guru: Okay I'm ready , So whats the plan?

Guru: First, you have to search for a king who can fight for you. Unfortunately, there is no king left who can challenge Bhujanga. Every king here is a pawn of his. So, our nearest kingdom is Kilaka , you have to take over the throne of that kingdom.

Rony: Ahh.. Dont tell me its only a joke

Guru : No , I'm serious

Rony: But how gonna I defeat the king of kilaka

Guru: The security of Kilaka kingdom king is not very strong. First, you have to follow the king for several days. Then, let us know his daily activity. We will plan to defeat him accordingly.

(As per the Guru's instruction, Rony and some tribe members started following the king of Kilaka. They noted down kings every activity and plan throughly)

Rony to Guru: "As you suggested, we followed the king for several days. According to his daily routine, we only have one chance when he is alone at the top of the palace at sunset."

Guru: Okay so , its our only chance then

Tribe leader: Yes guru. But there's an issue. We can't enter the palace at sunset because all the doors are closed. We have to go from the palace walls. That's where our real problem starts. The palace is surrounded by a river with crocodiles. The walls are on great heights from the ground.

Guru: Oh that means we need a proper planning and training ? (to Tribe Leader) So , now its your duty to train the boy and the girl for the battle. Be ready from kids

Rony and Aish: Okay

(Rony and Aish were trained by the tribe's best soldiers. After a few days, the day finally came to kill the king of Kilaka. Rony and the tribe members were hiding in the forest near palace waiting for the sunset . and finally the sun is setting and the king has arrived )

Tribe Leader: Rony , The king has arrived

(Rony starts Moving forward)

Tribe leader to Rony: Wait , No their are guards with the king today

(But rony has different plans today)

Rony: No, I'm not gonna stop this time

Tribe leader: Ahh.. Folish boy

(Everyone starts climbing the walls. Suddenly, the guards see the tribe climbing the wall. They start attacking with arrows. Some of the tribe members fall. Now, the palace is on high alert. The king of Kilaka and guards are aware of the attack. The guards took the king to a safe place. The tribe members and Rony have to cancel their mission.)

Tribe Leader to Rony: You stupid kid. We lost our men and the battle because of you. Now the king and palace are on high alert. It's impossible to kill the king. its all beacuse of you , you brat, Now forget about your father and friend and go back home

Rony: Sorry, Leader , i know it was a stupid move but plz I never wnated to be the reason for someones death

Tribe leader: But now you are

Guru to Leader: Please dont be impatient . Its a war losing and winning is a part of it . Now, its time to be patient and wait for the right opportunity .we dont want to waste sacrifice made by our people

Tribe Leader: So what will be our next move now?

Guru : Just wait for the right opportunity

(The tribe members started following the king again on a daily basis. This time, they don't find any free moments. Every one in the tribe starts getting frustrated. Finally, the day comes when they find a loophole in the king's security.)

Spy from tribe to Tribe leader and rony: Leader, We found a loop hole in the security.

Tribe leader to rony: This may be our last chance Rony , but remember dont do any silly thing this time

Rony: Leader not this time, it will be last day tomorrow for the king

(Every tribe soldier were getting ready for the tomorrow, and the plan was ready. And finally the day comes. It's the time when the king of Kilaka goes to meet his secret girlfriend. At that time, every guard of the king is just outside the house. But, it's in the middle of the city, so it's hard to enter the house. and every tribe soldier were mix with public near house. Now it's Rony's turn to prove his bravery. He starts jumping from house to house. When he nears the king's girlfriend's house, he enters through the bathroom window. The soldiers of the tribe and Rony already broke it the night before. after entering the house, Rony silently move towards the bedroom )

King of Kilaka to Rony: Who are you? how do you come inside ? (and King loudly) Guards ..Guards..

(As soon as the king starts calling gurads to attack, Rony cuts through his neck. Every hidden tribe soldier gets involved after the king's voice. They kill every king's guard. Now, with blood all over his body and the sword in his hand, Rony moves towards the Kilaka throne. As of now, Rony is the king of Kilaka.)

Guru: Well done child , now you are just one step away

Rony: Yeah, I know Now let's take over the Chaturanga kingdom


Chapter 7

Now Rony is the new king of the kilaka and all set to challenge the Bhujanga for the battle of chaturanga. But still only challenging the king is not enough , first Rony has to learn the rules of chaturanga. The Guru called the most ancient chaturanga expert, Vishwavrath. He asked him to teach Rony the game of chaturanga.

Guru to Rony: from today The great vishwavrath will be your teacher

Rony: Okay, Guruji

Vishwavrath: Before I start teaching you the game of chaturanga, I would like to know how much you know about it.

(Rony explains the basic rules and the number of pieces needed to play the game to Vishwavrath.)

Vishwavrath: Okay , But do you know this chaturanga is played with living pieces

Rony: Yes

Vishwavrath: It's not easy. The death is real in the game. If you lose, you die. You have 16 pieces by your side. That means 16 lives are in your hand. You decide their fate. Will they live or not?

(After all the training and teaching by Vishwavrath, Rony is now ready to challenge King Bhujanga for the Chaturanga. A Royal guard messenger from Kilaka Kingdom goes to the Chaturanga Kingdom palace with a letter from King Rony.)

A guard from Chaturanga palace comes to the king. "Hail the king," the royal guard messenger from Kilaka kingdom has brought an important message for you.

King Bhujanga: Okay Send him in

Messenger from Kilaka : Hail the king , you have the message from the new king of kilaka

King Bhujanga: GO on ahead, REad it

Messenger from kilaka: The king of kilaka wants to challenge you for the battle of Chaturanga

(King Bhujanga (Laughs Loudly) and accept the challenge)

King Bhujanga: Hahahah.. tell your king that be ready to die . I accept your challenge

(and the messenger return to the kilaka kingdom and give this news to the king Rony and guru. Now Rony's main challenge was to build a strong unit for battle. After long training, Rony selected 8 soldiers as pawns, 2 bishops, 2 rooks, and 2 knights. The only vacant place was for the queen. Which was complicated but finally Aish decides to take the post)

Rony to Aish: Plz dont do this , I will not able to forgive myself , if anything bad happens to you

Aish: Dont Worry its my own desicion, you just focus on the battle

(After all the consequenses and challenges ,here comes the judgement day , the of battle. Rony and his soldiers enters the chaturanga kingdom with all the tribe people with him. Everyone in the chaturanga kingdom wants Rony to win this battle. after reaching to the kingdom Rony request the king bhujanga to meet the two prisoners)

King Bhujanga: Is this is your last wish , granted. (laughingly)

(and Rony goes to meet his dad and raj , After seeing Rony in this world Venky got shocked)

Venky(Ronys Dad):son , how do you came here ,how could you find us and this crown on your head..

Rony: Its a long story dad, but how do you came in to this world

Venky: When I back home , I couldnt find the book so I checked the cctv footage of the room

Rony : cctv footage

Venky: Actually son I have planted hidden cameras inthat room. when i saw that raj has taken the book with him . I went to the raj's house, but I was late. The book was open, and we both got pulled inside. When we arrived, Bhujanga found out I was back. He searched for me and took me prisoner for what I did to him 30 years ago. and son I have also hide some truth from you

Rony: what turth dad

Venky: That your mother was murdered by the Bhujanga 25 years ago, on a full moon night. This happened when the book opened itself. She was alone at home, and he killed her. (Venky Crying)

Rony: Dad, I will kill bhujanga with my bare hands I promise you

Venky: No son , Plz dont ,Dont do this I dont want to lose you as well

Rony: I cant stop that ,not now after coming this far

(and Rony leaves from their and the Bhujanga got to know that the venky is Rony's Father. And now we are finally at the battle field of chaturanga. and here the battle begins...)

As per the challenge given by the Rony , he has to take the first move:

And Rony takes the first move by moving the pawn infront of his :

(NOTE: The images below define the match. The black denotes King Bhujanga, and the white denotes King Rony.)

and next move by king bhujanga was the same:

next Rony moves the right side knight :

and BHujanga moves the pawn infront of his queen:

and the game goes on and rony strikes the first kill:

exacty after that the bhujanga strikes back:

Aish: Let me attack on the bishop

Rony : No, aish let let me think another move

but Aish do not listen to rony and strikes on the bishop:

After many moves, neither Rony nor Bhujanga were able to strike. Suddenly, Rony bravely takes the move to strike Bhujanga's knight, but it looks like a suicide.

and now its time for bhujanga to strike back by strikes on the rony's rook the the rook:

After some moves, Rony strike with his bishop on Bhujanga's rook. Now, Rony's bishop is just one step away from striking the Evil King.

but bhujanga strike the bishop with the knight and the king is safe again:

now rony has a different plan he sends aish the queen in the bhujangas zone:

and bhujanga realises that one more move and it will be the end of his. So , he ask his guards to bring the surprise for the Rony , and the guard brings the women , her face is covered

Bhujanga to Rony: Surprise Surprise Surprise , kid look I have a precious gift for you , do you know who this women is..

(and black covers from face of women removed )

Rony: Mom

Venky: is it really Ana?

(As soon as rony try to strike the next move ..)

bhujanga: dont you dare ..otherwise your mom,dad,friend all be dead by no time

Ana(rony's Mom): No son dont worry about us just kill him

Bhujanga: No he'll not be reckless , he is a smart child ,he knows what is right, am I right kid.

Rony: Not Today Bhujanga , I know what is right and Currently killing you is the most right thing I am gonna do

In the dense forest, Bhujanga, attempts to escape on his horse, taking Aish as a hostage. Rony, quickly realizes the danger and begins chasing Bhujanga through the tangled woods. The pursuit is intense, with the sound of hooves echoing amidst the trees.

As Bhujanga enters a particularly deep part of the forest, he decides to wait for Rony, planning an ambush. Bhujanga hides behind a massive tree. He clutches Aish tightly as he prepares for the impending confrontation. The atmosphere is tense. The only sounds are the rustling leaves and distant calls of wildlife.

Rony is determined to rescue Aish and end Bhujanga's reign of terror. He approaches cautiously. The air is thick with suspense as he navigates through the dense foliage. Unbeknownst to Rony, Bhujanga readies himself for an attack.

Suddenly, Bhujanga springs into action. He launches a surprise assault on Rony as Rony comes into view. Rony was caught off guard. He struggles to defend himself, and the confrontation quickly turns physical. In the ensuing struggle, Rony falls from his horse. This slightly weakens him and leaves him half-conscious.

Seizing the opportunity, Bhujanga takes advantage of Rony's vulnerable state. With a malevolent grin, Bhujanga overpowers Rony, inching closer to victory. As Bhujanga attempts to deliver a fatal blow, it seems that Rony's fate is sealed.

But, in a twist of fate, the tribe leader and tribe soldiers had been silently tracking Bhujanga. They launch a surprise attack. The forest erupts into chaos as the tribe soldiers engage Bhujanga in a fierce battle. The sudden turn of events catches Bhujanga off guard. This allows Rony a momentary reprieve.

Rony regained some strength and consciousness. He reentered the fray. He joined forces with the tribe soldiers to confront the malevolent king. Bhujanga faces multiple adversaries. He fights desperately to maintain control. However, Rony and the tribe soldiers' combined efforts prove too overwhelming.

In a climactic showdown, Rony confronts Bhujanga one-on-one. He channels all his strength and determination. The battle reaches its peak as Rony finally manages to overcome Bhujanga's defenses. With a decisive strike, Rony defeats the tyrannical king. This puts an end to the menace that had plagued the tribe.

The forest, once shrouded in tension, gradually falls silent. Rony stands amidst the trees. He is battered but victorious. The tribe leader and soldiers acknowledge his triumph. The rescue of Aish and the defeat of Bhujanga mark a turning point for the tribe. It brings an end to the dark chapter of their history.

after the long battle finally its the time for beautiful family reunioun

Venky said to Ana, "I thought you were dead that day. Blood was everywhere in the house. A book was open. I thought Bhujanga may have killed you and taken your body." so I took Rony and the book and settled to the different place.

Rony to Raj: Hey , you stupid raj ,dont you dare again to leave without byes

finally now its time to return to the real world,

Rony to guru and the whole kingdom: It was a great to be part of your world but now its time for us to leave ,and back to our world.

As the dust settles, the prophecy unfolds its final chapter. The kingdom of living chaturanga is freed from the grasp of darkness. Rony and his friends find themselves standing at the crossroads between two worlds.

With the guru's guidance, Rony discovered a way to return to their own reality. They brought with them the lessons learned and the memories of a fantastical journey. The kingdom of living chaturanga was once trapped within the pages of a book. Now, it regains its tranquility.

Rony, Aish, Raj, Venky, and Anan bid farewell to the mystical kingdom. They realized some stories are not just tales. Instead, they are gateways to extraordinary adventures. They shape destinies and connect the threads of past, present, and future.

And so, the travelers emerge from the book. They return to their world with hearts enriched by the echoes of a magical realm. They also carry the enduring spirit of an unforgettable journey.

Finally everything is good now. Raj is back home. Rony is reunited with his parents. The heartwarming reunion brings joy and completeness to his life. Crucially, amidst the unfolding narrative, Aish experiences a transformative realization. She discovers that her feelings towards Rony have evolved into genuine affection. So like any other stories this story also ends with a Happy Ending.

© pain.in.pain_2211