

Hopscotch and get shot on the last hop
The two girls jumped over the hopscotch they had drawn on the curb with white chalk. It was their favourite game and they would be at it for hours. They would get told off so many times by how late they can back home. They both went to the park every single day they possibly could when it was sunny. One day they didn't know what was about to happen to both of them. It was a nice and beutiful day, the girls went to the park as they would normally. There in the park was another old man. The children thought that he was lonely and didn't have anyone to play with. So . . . they both invited him . . . to play with them. The man was called over by the 2 children and they asked if the old man could play with them. The man agreed and when it was the girl infront of him turn he pulled a gun out and shot the girl infront of him . . . While the other ran back with tears running down the one girl's cheeks. The news was on and found the little child still and dead still with no . . . pulse. The other kid got so many nightmares that the dead child blamed the other girl. The alive girl had enough that she went back to the same park and got a the same type of gun and the same spot of where the other girl died and played hopscotch together. Next thing you know she killed herself right then and there. It was a year after those two sad deaths but one of their souls were alive and angry and the other was alive and was with madness. Everytimes a kid goes to that same park and plays hopscotch on the curb with white chalk they die by a gun shot . . . on the last hop.