

Fun with the sisters 😆😆😆
it's April and every student is waiting for their relatives to come home. I was also so eager for my 2 sisters to come. 😊😊.At that time I was learning how to learn to cycle, and I wanted to ride doubles with my sister. so we always go for cycling at morning and evening 😍. once we were cycling and my sister was sitting at the back. it was a turning part of the road and there were lots of bushes. suddenly a green snake 🐍I got shocked and suddenly I grabbed my break 😓and I tuned around a saw if my sister was OK but what I saw was the winner of Olympic 😆she ran like gost to the the home which was a half mile away shouting like earth was destroyed 🤣🤣🤣🤣.so I took the cycle and went back to home. when I told this to my elder sister she and I laughed till the stomach ache 😂😂.then we always have a room for our sister to sleep and like every time my elders go to sleep early but we don't. And my small sis wanted a horror story from me so I took a blanket and torch. 🤭🤭. when the story was going to end ,she was like a frighted human without soul 😂😂and was so excited that I though the ending should be blockbuster so I scared the hell out of her🧟‍♂🧟‍♂🧟‍♂🧟‍♂.she was like this-😨😰😫😱😱😫😫.Then my youngest sister woke up, seeing my elder sister like that, we both looked at each other and laughed like hello😂😂😂🤣.( hi guys this was the funniest thing happened with my sisters when I thick about it now I still laugh unknowingly 🤣🤣🤣🤣)