

Experiences upon mine enlightened path hath led me to deeper truths than I had ever previously perceived possible........ I no longer fear Death, having shaken Death's hand personally and looked Death square in the eye, right before walking away and rejoining Life once again......I have seen for myself the narrow path to Light, and the only path that leads me to my True Home..
Never having grasped the concept of the heavy truth that Reality weighs upon those Lost & Forsaken Souls, but having been blessed with the opportunity to speak to Children of Darkness personally (while under protection of Light, Thank God!) and spoke of Death's Hand; A heavy but lifesaving Truth hath crashed down upon me like a torrent once again.......
When I tasted Death, it was colorful beyond description, surrounded by breathtaking Lights, and the Purest sense of Peace one could never begin to even touch upon this earth; all the while watching moments of Life pass me by so rapidly, I couldn't tell if they were my own or not... But my eternal soul finding itself finally on its way back Home at last!!! It was Blissful beyond words.......
But having heard tales from Children of Darkness, their own fates lie in a different realm altogether....... A grisly fate indeed...When they spoke of Death they spoke only of pure, eternal, agonizing Darkness....... Eternity spent alone in Darkness until such time comes when thy Soul is destroyed and erased from history.....
And that's when it came crashing down upon me like a heavy wave of Truth that not only crushes thy Soul, but also Eternally Blesses it.......DEATH BRINGS PEACE TO THOSE WHO BRING PEACE TO LIFE.............It seems so simple, Death Protecting Life because each one is all the other has, working in Harmony with each other to bring balance to the Cosmos....
So my question to you is, Why spend your Life fearing Death, when you hath been Blessed with the Precious gift of Life? Death comes to all whom come to Life!!!
So I say to you: