

Fall in love with eyes.. part 5
Why cannot I accept that you left me.. Why??. As you easily got move on as God give you that power why not me.. Am I that bad God has not given me the power to move on.. Really felling very sad.. The day you said we cannot continue the relationship that day itself I came completely hopeless to my home.. Then I was crossing the road that time I didn't watched any vehicle.. So truck was coming that day.. But that scooty was coming in a speed so that hit me and that truck took a break.. And that scooty person said you are crossing road you cannot see vehicle are coming truck will hit you then.. I was in emergency so came in speed thats why you got saved.. I said sorry.. He said even iam sorry I came fast... Are you ok.. You can go home then he helped me to cross road and I went didn't said anything to him.. As I was about to say thankyou.... That day I cannot forgot in my lifetime..it is the worst day in my life... I came mom ask what happen.. I said nothing mom bring tea.. She was saying it is lunch time now asking tea.. I said I had lunch out but didn't had.. And I have seen my leg it is swallon and paining a lot.. But I said let that pain be ... And controlled my emotion then after that next day was Sunday..I cried by hidding.. But mom find and asked what happen.. I said that nothing mom.. She told me you think I am fool say what happen.. I have shown my leg then she told what is this.. Then I said I got small accident.. You should have said me immediately after comming home.. I said it will get cured I was thinking .. But got more swallon.. That day my mom took immediate appointment and took me to hospital.. Then they given some ointment and asked to scan the leg.. I think for this ointment but real pain doent have ointment..
While comming I have seen him with some other girl and watching continuosly him..and he was watching me..my eyes was full of tears and I was like please come and ask what happen.. But he didn't.. Really how can a person change so easily. ..

© SN