

The reality...
Her: You should move on...
Him:like really...
Him: Do you really want me to do that???
Her: Yes...I have moved on.. and so should you..
Him: It won't be that easy...one year was quite a time..
Her: And in that one year..we realised that we can be together..but we shouldn't be together..
Him: Do you know what you are saying ( Are you drunk??).
Her: Even if I'm, how does it matter?
Him: No..no , nothing matters, not at all...
Him: Everything has changed...
Her: Everything started changing, when we decided to move to other cities..
Her: long distance doesn't work...
Him: Jesus Christ...it does...you need the will..
Her: See...I don't believe in all this...plus I want to be free for sometime..
Him: well I never caged you..
Her: You are not getting...
Him: when you needed me I was their, when I need you, you are going..
Her: Damn .be practical..
Him: what about the promises...
Her: so
Him: what about being together..
Her: So
Her: just stop it... I'm bored..
Him: well I can't talk like some Khan , at this time...
Her: Just move on...
Her: I already did..
Him: hmmm
Her: what hmmm??
Him: hmmmm
Her: oh God...aghhhh
Him: Stay blessed.. take care

And nothing was the same ever....days are taken to evolve...to move on... and the past never catches up with us... everything is finished in seconds....
© faujibratsden