

The legend of Super Lou The Iron fist
this is the legend of super Lou the iron fist the father of Brandon the silver Phantom and the horse fly he raised them in Brooklyn New York till they moved to Pennsylvania Brandon went back to New York then had in breakdown then superlu had to get him super Lou had him close relationship with God that gave him his strength and wisdom he took Brandon to the mental hospital for the first time after he took care of him and after all the time universe each other back Brandon was the youngest and it was seven Stephanie son and horse flies super lucid and his wife daughter Crystal Diane dicks and later on his stepson locksmith super Lou was away for 8 years and got protected him Brandon kept him contact with him with his sons and stepsons and that is why Brandon was on meds dot it was in family conflict like the game Tekken with the brothers especially with Brandon being the youngest Brandon always respected his father after he was in teen and disrespected his dad then his dad punched him in the stomach like when Goku defeated dragon Ball z movie Brandon Climb back up and became the vessel of the devil but he forgave his dad Brandon also had God in him because of his parents then the family drama began the horse fly was mad because super Lou then when Brandon was chosen to be the silver Phantom the angel in the flesh and giving him his own multiverse universe he was jealous and tried to take it the horse fly guy the silver Phantom and seven was the main villain because 7 allowed Lucifer to take over his vessel and Brandon allowed the archangel Michael and the holy Spirit in his vessel like Sam and Dean from supernatural show Brandon Brothers and Brandon stay near his Queen till God calls for them but first one day the silver Phantom will return the end short novel by Brandon Lewis Jones AKA breezy Jones
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