


chapter 1


It was early September 11, 2017...School was in session and I was surrounded by boredem at home.... The comics I read weren't enough to keep me occupied, after I finish homework.... I am 22, and my diploma had been a goal after I had moved several times, that never gave me a chance to complete anything.....

I sat on this metal chair, thinking of what it would be like once I graduated.... Me and my mom stood at the dinner table while my brother and his wife, and my sister were out and about....

I hated leaving my mom home alone, she's getting older, and I am always thinking about the sadness my life will drown in the day she's gone....

It was 8 o clock at night.... My freedom in the living room had been cut off.... My brother and his wife, had made it home, to kick me off my peace... I was angry inside but I had to keep my cool...

I sat on the balcony while I heard my brother and his wife disrespecting my mom and screaming at her.... I had no voice or, my brother had a set up appointment with my fist....

The voices in my head were feeding my urges to fight for her.... The choice was clear, that I had to leave.... My mom in tears asked where I was headed, my cousins detested me, but I lied telling her I was heading to they're house.....
My brother hypocritically asked what I'd be doing like if he really cared....
I hunched my head towards the floor as if I didn't hear him, and walked out.....

Boredem, frustrated, and tired of not being able to kick these fuckers out.... I drank, and drank, because I was no longer accessible to cannabis....

20 missed calls from my mom....These assholes, had been turning me into a twisted combination, I had no hope but to become zombified by this issue....

I went home and, didn't find them there, my mom was in tears as if she was still getting over the arguments....

She pat me in the head, and told me that I had scared her for not going home....
I wasn't sure that I'd be staying home that day either....
I ended up going to the balcony one more time and having a cry....

She laid on her bed, in so much pain, from her back being all messed up.... I feared her being gone one-day, and now my mind was gathering helpless thinking.... the voices got louder, and I began to lose it....

I ran to the local pharmacy to purchase HBP pills so that I could drown in the feeling of numbness....

I bought 4 boxes and a few mountains dews, and some headphones....
Before I got home, I had injested 18 pills, while I drowned them with the beverage....
I went home to yelling and my brother taunting me while he was in his underwear playing video games, while his wife nagged about her life when she didn't know my brother....

My mom was at work, an then suddenly my vision began to blurry out and my body began to lose control....

I forgot that I had taken these pills, and began to get into these odd instrumentals that were playing..... I put my head down on my book, and suddenly drifted into a deep sleep with block smoke puffing out from my eyes every time I'd close them....

"won't you come with me"

Melodies began to play while all hell broke loose, music notes and shallow glowings of doves and crows that flew in the opposite direction.....

I was surrounded by darkness, but I was free to walk thru dirt, from what it felt like...
Suddenly the movement stopped and I had felt stuck....
I moved, or I tried to move... but I was barricaded in a coffin, with no air to breathe.... I was panicking, this nightmare, had become unwanted, I couldn't wake up, even with this heavy breathing.... Maybe this had been my way of dying, and no pain whatsoever, had been what I gained.... I didn't care, I just feared that if I did die, my mom wouldn't die from a heart attack....

I began searching for a way out desperately, pinching kicking, scratching....
This was hopeless....
"As I fall, I'll be fine"
"in the after life"
I cried.... drenched in tears and anger and regret.... I had pushed what was my coffin.... The more I pushed... The weaker the wood became.... I forced it and like a zombie.... I broke thru.... "HOLY SHIT' HES ALIVE! "Crowd arrosed" in the name off death!!!!! has he risen!!!
One more push!!!! "big crack"!?? ahhhh!!! I'm free!!?!
A shocked crowd of black shadows with white eyes looked surprised as if they had seen a ghost......
Arent you afraid said the random shadow".
I looked at my hands and seen that I was still wearing my checkered coat....
I asked why I had risen from a coffin..... Only one shadow replied"We didn't think we'd summon a entity like you"....
ha! an entity! shit things like you don't even exist when I wake up!!!!
drastically this pissed them all off.....
My wrist were cuffed, with some odd looking dark glowing wrist bands.... These creatures had no face, clothes I couldn't tell who was a woman or man..... All I knew, is that they'd known english..... Wtf....

© Eyesinthedark